This API returns device details, summarized product compliance details, smart groups, and custom attributes for enrolled devices. For unenrolled devices, only the device details are returned in the response.


Custom AttributesCustom attribute names.
Device IDThe ID of the device to search. Can be obtained via the Devices Search action.
End Date TimeFilters devices such that devices with last seen till this date will be returned.
Enrollment StatusFilters devices based on their EnrollmentStatus [Enrolled, EnterpriseWipePending, DeviceWipePending, Unenrolled].
Mac AddressMAC address.
Organization Group IDOrganizationGroup to be searched, admin’s OG is considered if not sent.
PageSpecific page number to get. 0 based index.
Page SizeMaximum records per page. Default 500.
PlatformDevice platform.
Start Date TimeFilters devices such that devices with last seen after this date will be returned.
Status Change End TimeFilters the devices for which EnrollmentStatus has changes till enrollmentstatuschangeto datetime. This filter is only for Enrolled and Unenrolled enrollment status.
Status Change Start TimeFilters the devices for which EnrollmentStatus has changes from enrollmentstatuschangefrom datetime. This filter is only for Enrolled and Unenrolled enrollment status.

Example Output

	"Devices": [
			"AssetNumber": "Text value",
			"Compliant": true,
			"CustomAttributes": [
					"ApplicationGroup": "services",
					"Name": "Device Model",
					"Value": "Latitude E7250"
			"DeviceFriendlyName": "Text value",
			"DeviceId": 1,
			"DeviceNetworkInfo": [
					"ConnectionType": "Text value",
					"IPAddress": "Text value",
					"MACAddress": "Text value",
					"Name": "Text value",
					"Vendor": "Text value"
			"DeviceUuid": "26161ef7-550d-43da-bd83-ac458f6547bc",
			"EnrollmentDate": "2022-06-03T03:01:27.1955206+01:00",
			"EnrollmentStatus": "Text value",
			"LastSeen": "2022-06-03T03:01:27.1955206+01:00",
			"OrganizationGroupId": 6,
			"OrganizationGroupUuid": "f0b78e5e-16d6-42d6-8a63-66f9c812a1af",
			"Products": [
					"Name": "Text value",
					"ProductId": 1,
					"Status": "Text value"
			"SerialNumber": "Text value",
			"SmartGroups": [
					"Name": "Text value",
					"SmartGroupId": 1,
					"SmartGroupUuid": "8c2397ab-c62f-45e6-9161-2fa4cbf6a5fd"
			"Udid": "Text value",
			"UnEnrolledDate": "2022-06-03T03:01:27.2111437+01:00",
			"UserName": "Text value"
	"Page": 1,
	"PageSize": 2,
	"Total": 3

Workflow Library Example

Delete Inactive Devices with Workspace One Uem

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