Returns details of relevant devices belonging to an enrollment user matching specified criteria, where results are ranked/sorted using the specified orderby criteria with maximum pagesize limit of 500.If page size is greater than the maximum limit, it will return the first 500 records.seensince and lastseen fields accept the following Valid DateTime formats :yyyy/MM/dd, yyyy-MM-dd, MM/dd/yyyy, MM-dd-yyyy, yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fff,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff, MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff, MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff, yyyy/MM/ddTHH:mm:ss.fff,yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff, MM/dd/yyyyTHH:mm:ss.fff, MM-dd-yyyyTHH:mm:ss.fff, yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss-tt,yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm-ss-tt.


Compliant StatusFilters devices based on specified compliant status. Possible values are true (for Compliant) and false (for NonCompliant).
Last SeenFilters devices based on the date when they were last seen.
LgidLimits the search to given OrganizationGroup. Defaults to admin’s OrganizationGroup.
ModelFilters devices based on model. For example iPhone.
Order BySort results based on given field. One of model, lastseen, ownership, platform, deviceid etc. Defaults to deviceid.
OwnershipFilters devices based on ownership type. One of C, E, S or Undefined.
PageFilters search result to return results based on page number. Page numbering is 0 based and omitting this parameter will return the first page.
Page SizeLimits the number of search results per page. Defaults to 500.
PlatformFilters devices based on platform. For example Apple.
Seen SinceFilters devices based on date when they were seen after given date.
Sort OrderSort order of results. One of ASC or DESC. Defaults to ASC.
UserFilters devices based on enrolled username.

Example Output

	"Devices": [
			"AcLineStatus": 2,
			"AssetNumber": "827BE1C5AEC05C378C61C44103E9D3FCB2EC354D",
			"AvailableDeviceCapacity": 1,
			"AvailablePhysicalMemory": 5,
			"BatteryLevel": "abcd",
			"ComplianceStatus": "Compliant",
			"ComplianceSummary": {
				"DeviceCompliance": [
						"ActionTaken": [
								"ActionType": 0
						"CompliantStatus": true,
						"Id": {
							"Value": 1
						"LastComplianceCheck": "2022-06-03T03:01:27.239563+01:00",
						"NextComplianceCheck": "2022-06-03T03:01:27.2400727+01:00",
						"PolicyDetail": "compliance policy for device compromised status including application list contains rule",
						"PolicyName": "application list compliance policy",
						"Uuid": "f88c3dc1-ec09-4730-b078-d425fbb191da"
			"CompromisedStatus": true,
			"DataEncryptionYN": "Y",
			"DataProtectionStatus": 5,
			"DepTokenSource": 0,
			"DeviceCapacity": 1,
			"DeviceCellularNetworkInfo": [
					"CardId": "Text value",
					"CarrierName": "Text value",
					"DeviceMCC": {},
					"IsRoaming": true,
					"PhoneNumber": "Text value"
			"DeviceFriendlyName": "users iPhone iOS 10.3.2 ",
			"DeviceMCC": {
				"CurrentMCC": "Text value",
				"SIMMCC": "Text value"
			"DeviceManufacturerId": 1,
			"DeviceNetworkInfo": [
					"ConnectionType": "Text value",
					"IPAddress": "Text value",
					"MACAddress": "Text value",
					"Name": "Text value",
					"Vendor": "Text value"
			"DeviceReportedName": "5CD6473R77 - Demo HP Chromebook",
			"EasId": "6Q93UFOQ7H0K39JPMFPTEMJQ3K",
			"EasIds": {
				"EasId": [
					"Text value"
			"EnrolledViaDEP": true,
			"EnrollmentStatus": "Enrolled",
			"EnrollmentUserUuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
			"HostName": "zs-MacBook-Air",
			"Id": {
				"Value": 0
			"Imei": "356766060039613",
			"IsActivationLockEnabled": true,
			"IsCloudBackupEnabled": true,
			"IsDeviceDNDEnabled": true,
			"IsDeviceLocatorEnabled": true,
			"IsNetworkTethered": true,
			"IsRemoteManagementEnabled": "abcd",
			"IsRoaming": true,
			"IsSecurityPatchUpdate": true,
			"IsSupervised": true,
			"LastBluetoothSampleTime": "2022-06-03T03:01:27.2416524+01:00",
			"LastComplianceCheckOn": "2022-06-03T03:01:27.239563+01:00",
			"LastCompromisedCheckOn": "2022-06-03T03:01:27.239563+01:00",
			"LastEnrolledOn": "2022-06-03T03:01:27.239563+01:00",
			"LastNetworkLANSampleTime": "2022-06-03T03:01:27.2416524+01:00",
			"LastSeen": "2022-06-03T03:01:27.2390358+01:00",
			"LastSystemSampleTime": "2022-06-03T03:01:27.241142+01:00",
			"LocalHostName": "",
			"LocationGroupId": {
				"Name": "Text value",
				"Uuid": "bd9b09ef-b6be-4e0f-9c02-01f45b54ad67"
			"LocationGroupName": "locationgroup1",
			"MacAddress": "485A3F880798",
			"ManagedBy": 0,
			"Model": "iPhone",
			"ModelId": {},
			"OEMInfo": "Samsung",
			"OSBuildVersion": "17G65",
			"OperatingSystem": "10.3.2",
			"Ownership": "C",
			"PhoneNumber": "+14045550100",
			"Platform": "Apple",
			"PlatformId": {},
			"ProcessorArchitecture": 5,
			"SecurityPatchDate": "2022-06-03T03:01:27.2416524+01:00",
			"SerialNumber": "R51G844T90R",
			"SystemIntegrityProtectionEnabled": true,
			"SystemUpdateReceivedTime": "2022-06-03T03:01:27.2416524+01:00",
			"TimeZone": "Text value",
			"TotalPhysicalMemory": 4,
			"Udid": "827BE1C5AEC05C378C61C44103E9D3FCB2EC354D",
			"UserApprovedEnrollment": true,
			"UserEmailAddress": "",
			"UserId": {},
			"UserName": "user1",
			"Uuid": "c2ddaeea-37d4-4a91-85c1-88724730425e",
			"VirtualMemory": 3,
			"WifiSsid": "guest"
	"Page": 1,
	"PageSize": 2,
	"Total": 3

Workflow Library Example

Email Mdm Gaps Report of Active Directory vs Workspace One Uem

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