Basic Parameters

End TimeThe end time of the query window. Note that the max window size is 2 weeks.
FilterFilter the results by a given filter. Please see Sysdig’s documentation for full query syntax. For example:
Start TimeThe start time of the query window. Note that the max window size is 2 weeks.

Advanced Parameters

CursorThe pagination cursor that was returned in a previous call. Cant be used when querying using Start & End Time.
LimitThe amount of results that are returned in the call.
ZonesA comma-separated array of the zones.

Example Output

{  "data": [    { ... }  ],  "page":{  "next": "KzltNGUybXIwdWkzZThhMjE1bjRn",  "prev": "LTltNGUybXIwdWkzZThhMjE1bjRn",  "total": 10  }}

Workflow Library Example

List Secure Events with Sysdig and Send Results Via Email

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