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Get Inventory Resource

Get a inventory resource by a given ID.


Resource IDThe ID of inventory resource(also called resource hash). Can be obtained by List Inventory Resources.

Example Output

"category": "Compute",
"configApiEndpoint": "/api/cspm/v1/kube/resource?resourceHash=62e348b71acd7b,
{ ... }
"hash": "62e348b71acd7be14a4bdfcc",
"inUseVulnerabilitySummary": {
"criticalSeverityCount": 1,
"hasExploit": true,
"highSeverityCount": 2,
"lowSeverityCount": 4,
"mediumSeverityCount": 3,
"negligibleSeverityCount": 5
"isExposed": true,
"labels": [
"lastSeen": 1660742138,
"cluster": "risks-aws-eks-liverisks",
"containerNames":[ ... ],
"distribution": "EKS",
"distributionVersion": "1.29",
"imagesCount": "1",
"namespace": "kube-system",
"pullStrings":[ ... ]
"name": "kube-proxy",
"platform": "Kubernetes",
"postureControlSummaryApiEndpoint": "/api/cspm/v1/kube/resource?fields=postu
"passPercentage": 0,
"policies": [ ... ]
"resourceOrigin": "Deployed",
"type": "DaemonSet",
"vmApiEndpoint": "/api/scanning/runtime/v2/workflows/results?cursor&filter=f
"vulnerabilitySummary": {
"criticalSeverityCount": 1,
"hasExploit": true,
"highSeverityCount": 2,
"lowSeverityCount": 4,
"mediumSeverityCount": 3,
"negligibleSeverityCount": 5
{ ... }
"imageSummary": [
{ ... }

Workflow Library Example

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