This method behaves identical to “/shodan/host/search” with the only difference that this method does not return any host results, it only returns the total number of results that matched the query and any facet information that was requested. As a result this method does not consume query credits.


FacetsA comma-separated list of properties to get summary information on. Property names can also be in the format of “property:count”, where “count” is the number of facets that will be returned for a property (i.e. “country:100” to get the top 100 countries for a search query). Visit the Shodan website’s Facet Analysis page for an up-to-date list of available facets: Explore Facets.
QueryShodan search query. The provided string is used to search the database of banners in Shodan, with the additional option to provide filters inside the search query using a “filter:value” format. For example, the following search query would find Apache Web servers located in Germany: “apache country:DE”. List of Filters.

Example Output

	"facets": {
		"org": [
				"count": 3012386,
				"value": ""
				"count": 1322102,
				"value": "Google Cloud"
				"count": 1075807,
				"value": "Digital Ocean"
				"count": 687155,
				"value": "OVH SAS"
				"count": 450521,
				"value": "Tencent cloud computing"
		"os": [
				"count": 601923,
				"value": "Ubuntu"
				"count": 227851,
				"value": "Debian"
				"count": 7660,
				"value": "Raspbian"
	"matches": [],
	"total": 19590274

Workflow Library Example

Search Without Results with Shodan and Send Results Via Email

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