
FacetsA comma-separated list of properties to get summary information on. Property names can also be in the format of “property:count”, where “count” is the number of facets that will be returned for a property (i.e. “country:100” to get the top 100 countries for a search query). Visit the Shodan website’s Facet Analysis page for an up-to-date list of available facets: Explore Facets.
QueryShodan search query. The provided string is used to search the database of banners in Shodan, with the additional option to provide filters inside the search query using a “filter:value” format. For example, the following search query would find Apache Web servers located in Germany: “apache country:DE”. List of Filters.

Example Output

{    "facets": {        "org": [            {                "count": 3012386,                "value": ""            },            {                "count": 1322102,                "value": "Google Cloud"            },            {                "count": 1075807,                "value": "Digital Ocean"            },            {                "count": 687155,                "value": "OVH SAS"            },            {                "count": 450521,                "value": "Tencent cloud computing"            }        ],        "os": [            {                "count": 601923,                "value": "Ubuntu"            },            {                "count": 227851,                "value": "Debian"            },            {                "count": 7660,                "value": "Raspbian"            }        ]    },    "matches": [],    "total": 19590274}

Workflow Library Example

Search Without Results with Shodan and Send Results Via Email

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