
ActionThe action to be taken on the leave request. Can be either approved or declined.
IDUnique identifier of the leave request being processed.

Example Output

{    "comments": "string",    "createdAt": "string",    "dates": [        {            "date": "date",            "numMinutes": 0        }    ],    "endDate": "string",    "id": "Unique identifier of the leave request.",    "leavePolicy": "string",    "leaveType": "string",    "numHours": 0,    "numMinutes": 0,    "policyDisplayName": "string",    "processedAt": "string",    "processedBy": "Unique identifier of the employee who approved or rejected the request. This may be null.",    "processedByName": "string",    "reasonForLeave": "string",    "requestedBy": "string",    "requestedByName": "Unique identifier of the employee who made the request (in most cases this is the same as role).",    "role": "Unique identifier of the employee who is taking leave.",    "roleName": "string",    "startDate": "string",    "status": "string",    "updatedAt": "string"}

Workflow Library Example

Process Leave Requests with Rippling and Send Results Via Email

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