
Candidate IDThe unique identifier of the candidate from the ATS.
CurrencyA string field of the ofifcial currency doe as listed in ISO 4217.
DepartmentThe department name as a string.
EmailThe candidate’s email.
Employment TypeThe ENUM type of employment the user will have within Rippling.
Equity SharesThe number of shares that will be given to the candidate.
Job TitleThe candidate’s job title.
NameThe candidate’s name.
Phone NumberThe candidate’s phone number.
Salary Per UnitThe decimal value that the candidate gets paid every salaryUnit time period.
Salary UnitAn ENUM string value, denoting the frequency at which the candidate should be paid once the role begins. Note, the PAY_PERIOD ENUM implies the candidate is paid as per a custom pay period.
Signing BonusThe bonus cash given to the candidate as a part of a one time payment, with two decimal digit precision.
Start DateThe would-be start date of the candidate.

Example Output

{    "attachments": [        {            "file_name": "The file name.",            "file_url": "The public URL and name of a pdf/docx/doc/odt file containing documents pertaining to the candidate."        }    ],    "candidateId": "The unique identifier of the candidate from the ATS.",    "currency": "A string field of the ofifcial currency doe as listed in ISO 4217.",    "department": "The department name as a string.",    "email": "The candidate's email.",    "employmentType": "The ENUM type of employment the user will have within Rippling.",    "equityShares": 0,    "jobTitle": "The candidate's job title.",    "name": "The candidate's name.",    "phoneNumber": "The candidate's phone number.",    "salaryPerUnit": 0,    "salaryUnit": "An ENUM string value, denoting the frequency at which the candidate should be paid once the role begins. Note, the PAY_PERIOD ENUM implies the candidate is paid as per a custom pay period.",    "signingBonus": 0,    "startDate": "The would-be start date of the candidate."}

Workflow Library Example

Post Ats Candidates Push Candidate with Rippling and Send Results Via Email

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