List scanner appliances (all types such as physical, virtual, offline, etc) in the user’s account. This API is available to Express Lite users when Internal Scanning is enabled in the user’s account.

Basic Parameters

Filter Busy ScannersShow only appliances which are currently running scans.
Filter By NameList only scanner appliances (physical and virtual) that have names matching the string provided. Substring match is supported, for example, if the user has 2 appliances named “myscanner” and “anotherscanner” and the string “name=scan” is supplied, both appliances will be returned.
Filter By TypeType of scanner appliances: physical, virtual, offline.Type appears when output_mode=full is specified in API request.
Filter by IDsList only scanner appliances (physical and virtual) that have certain IDs. Multiple IDs are comma separated.
Filter by Platform ProviderSpecify a platform to show scanners deployed on that platform.The valid values are: ec2, ec2_compat, gce, azure, vCenter.ec2 - Amazon EC2, ec2_compat - OpenStack, gce - Google Cloud Platform, azure - Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform, vCenter - VMware vCenter.
Include Cloud InfoCheck to include cloud information in the output for virtual scanner appliances deployed on cloud platforms.
Include Scan DetailsCheck to include scan details (scan ID, title, scan reference, scan type and scan date).
Output ModeThe amount of detail provided for each scanner appliance in the output: brief (default) or full.The “brief” output includes this information for each appliance: appliance ID, friendly name, software version, the number of running scans, and heartbeat check status (online or offline).The “full” output includes the full appliance information, including the same details available in the Qualys user interface.

Advanced Parameters

Disable XML To JSON Auto ConvertWhen checked, XML responses are not automatically converted into JSON format.

Workflow Library Example

List Scanners with Qualys and Send Results Via Email

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