List Host Assets
Download a list of scanned hosts in the user’s account. By default, all scanned hosts in the user account are included and basic information about each host is provided. Hosts in the output are sorted by host ID in ascending order. The action also shows the Asset Risk Score (ARS) for each asset record in the API output and allows users to filter the output based on the ARS. The Asset Risk Score (ARS) is the overall risk score assigned to the asset based on multiple contributing factors, including Asset Criticality Score (ACS), Risk (QID) scores for each severity level, and an auto assigned weighting factor (w) for each criticality level of QIDs. ARS has a range from 0 to 1000: Severe (850-1000), High (700-849), Medium (500-699), Low (0-499). Permissions - Managers view all scanned hosts in subscription. Auditors view all scanned compliance hosts in subscription. Unit Managers view scanned hosts in user’s business unit. Scanners and Readers view scanned hosts in user’s account. For Unit Managers, Scanners, and Readers to view compliance hosts, the “Manage compliance” permission must be granted in the user’s account. Express Lite - This action is available to Express Lite users.
Parameter | Description |
Asset Group Titles | A comma-separated list to show hosts belonging to asset groups with certain strings in the asset group title. One or more asset group titles may be specified. Multiple entries are comma separated (for example, My First Asset Group,Another Asset Group). |
Disable XML To JSON Auto Convert | When checked, XML responses are not automatically converted into JSON format. |
Host IDs | A comma-separated list to filter results by host IDs/ranges. One or more IDs and/or ranges may be specified. A range is specified with a dash (for example, 190-400). Valid host IDs are required. |
IPs | A comma-separated list to filter results by IP addresses/ranges. An IP range is specified with a hyphen (for example, |
IPv6s | A comma-separated list to filter results by IPv6 addresses/ranges. An IP range is specified with a hyphen (for example, If this parameter is used as filter parameter then other target input filter parameters are not accepted. |
Example Output
Workflow Library Example
List Host Assets with Qualys and Send Results Via Email
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