This data brings a lot of value to customers because they provide the latest complete vulnerability status for the hosts (NEW, ACTIVE, FIXED, REOPENED) and history information. Permissions - Managers view all VM scanned hosts in subscription. Auditors have no permission to view VM scanned hosts. Unit Managers view VM scanned hosts in user’s business unit. Scanners and Readers view VM scanned hosts in user’s account.

Express Lite - This API is available to Express Lite users.

Basic Parameters

Filter Detections Since DateShow only detections whose detection status changed after a certain date and time.
Filter Detections Until DateShow only detections whose detection status changed before a certain date and time.For detections that have never changed the date is applied to the last detection date.
Filter Detections by QUIDsShow only detection records with certain QIDs. One or more QIDs may be specified.A range is specified with a dash (for example: 68518-68522).Multiple entries are comma separated.Valid QIDs are required.
Filter Detections by SeveritiesShow only detection records which have certain severities.One or more levels may be specified.A range is specified with a dash (for example: 1-3).Multiple entries are comma separated.
Filter Hosts by IDsShow only certain host IDs/ranges.One or more host IDs/ranges may be specified.Multiple entries are comma separated.
Filter Hosts by IPsShow only certain IP addresses/ranges.One or more IPs/ranges may be specified.Multiple entries are comma separated.An IP range is specified with a hyphen.
Filter Hosts by StatusShow only hosts with one or more of these status values: New, Active, Re-Opened, Fixed.Multiple status values are entered as a comma-separated list.
Filter Hosts by TagsSpecify a tag set to include.Hosts that match these tags will be included.Identify the tag set by providing tag name or IDs.Multiple entries are comma separated.
Show Asset IDCheck to show the asset ID of the scanned hosts in the output.
Truncation LimitSpecifies the maximum number of host records processed per request.Specify 0 for no truncation limit.

Advanced Parameters

Disable XML To JSON Auto ConvertWhen checked, XML responses are not automatically converted into JSON format.

Workflow Library Example

List Detections with Qualys and Send Results Via Email

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