To learn more, visit the Prisma Cloud CWP documentation.


Account IDsA comma-separated list in order to limit the action to specific account IDs.
CollectionsA comma-separated list in order to limit the action to specific collections.
Compliance IDsA comma-separated list in order to limit the action to specific compliance IDs.
DistrosA comma-separated list in order to limit the action to specific OS distros.
FieldsA comma-separated list of fields to retrieve.
Function IDsA comma-separated list in order to limit the action to specific function IDs.
Image NamesA comma-separated list in order to limit the action to specific image names.
Image TypesA comma-separated list in order to limit the action to specific image types.
OffsetOffset from the start of the list from which to retrieve documents.
ProvidersA comma-separated list in order to limit the action to specific providers.
RegionsA comma-separated list in order to limit the action to specific regions.

Example Output

[    {        "_id": "2226875301309860442",        "type": "vm",        "hostname": "",        "scanTime": "2022-12-01T18:08:15.299Z",        "binaries": [],        "Secrets": [],        "startupBinaries": [],        "osDistro": "redhat",        "osDistroVersion": "7",        "osDistroRelease": "RHEL7",        "distro": "CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)",        "packages": [            {                "pkgsType": "package",                "pkgs": [                    {                        "version": "0.100-7.el7",                        "name": "dbus-glib",                        "cveCount": 8,                        "license": "AFL and GPLv2+",                        "layerTime": 0                    },                    {                        "version": "2.02-0.87.el7.centos.7",                        "name": "grub2-common",                        "cveCount": 184,                        "license": "GPLv3+",                        "layerTime": 0                    }                ]            }        ]    }]

Workflow Library Example

List Vm Image Scan Results with Prisma Cloud Cwp and Send Results Via Email

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