List domain and open web incidents.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the PhishLabs Open Web Monitoring documentation.

Basic Parameters

EndThe end date of the date range.
Filter ByThe variable that the results will be filtered by.
Incident TypeThe incident type to be returned.
StartThe start date of the date range.

Advanced Parameters

BrandThe name of the brand associated to the incident.
Incident StatusThe status of the incident.
MX RecordReturn incident with a MX record.
Mitigation EndThe end date of mitigation date range.
Mitigation StartThe start date of mitigation date range.
Resolution EndThe end date of resolution date range.
Resolution StartThe start date of resolution date range.

Example Output

		"Infrid": 0,
		"Url": "string",
		"Domain": "string",
		"Catcode": 0,
		"Catname": "string",
		"Status": "string",
		"Comment": "string",
		"Product": "string",
		"Createdate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
		"Severityname": "string",
		"Statusdescr": "string",
		"Mitigationstart": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
		"Dateresolved": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
		"Actiondescr": "string",
		"Groupcatname": "string",
		"Assignee": "string",
		"Lastcomment": "string",
		"Mxrecord": "string",
		"Ticketstatus": "string",
		"Resolutionstatus": "string",
		"Incidentstatus": "string"

Workflow Library Example

List Incidents with Phishlabs Open Web Monitoring and Send Results Via Email

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