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Update Database User

Updates one database user that belongs to the specified project. To use this resource, the requesting API Key must have the Project Atlas Admin or Project Charts Admin roles. This resource does not require the API Key to have an Access List.


Project IDUnique 24 hexadecimal-digit string that identifies your project. Can be retrieved using "Return All Projects".
RolesList that provides the pairings of one role with one applicable database.
Example input:
"databaseName": "exampleDB",
"roleName": "readAnyDatabase"
UsernameHuman-readable label that represents the user that authenticates to MongoDB.

Example Output

"awsIAMType": "NONE",
"databaseName": "exampleDB",
"groupId": "32b6e34b3d91647abb20e7b8",
"labels": [],
"ldapAuthType": "NONE",
"links": [
"href": "{groupId}/serverless/{instanceName1}/backup/snapshots",
"rel": ""
"roles": [
"databaseName": "exampleDB",
"roleName": "readAnyDatabase"
"scopes": [],
"username": "myUser",
"x509Type": "NONE"

Workflow Library Example

Update Database User with Mongodb Atlas and Send Results Via Email

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