
PasswordAlphanumeric string that authenticates this database user against the database specified.Must be formatted as a RFC 2253 Distinguished Name.Minimum 8 characters.
Project IDUnique 24 hexadecimal-digit string that identifies your project. Can be retrieved using “Return All Projects”.
RolesList of objects that provides the pairings of one role with one applicable database.Example input:[ {"databaseName": "exampleDB","roleName": "atlasAdmin"}]
UsernameHuman-readable label that represents the user that authenticates to MongoDB.

Example Output

{    "awsIAMType": "NONE",    "databaseName": "exampleDB",    "groupId": "32b6e34b3d91647abb20e7b8",    "labels": [],    "ldapAuthType": "NONE",    "links": [        {            "href": "{groupId}/serverless/{instanceName1}/backup/snapshots",            "rel": ""        }    ],    "roles": [        {            "databaseName": "exampleDB",            "roleName": "atlasAdmin"        }    ],    "scopes": [],    "username": "myNewUser",    "x509Type": "NONE"}

Workflow Library Example

Create Database User with Mongodb Atlas and Send Results Via Email

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