Search all messages.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Mimecast documentation.

Basic Parameters

Message RouteFilter by the route of the message.
SenderThe Email address or domain of the sender of the Email.
StatusFilter by the status of the email.

Advanced Parameters

End TimeTime of the most recent message to be returned.
Includes AttachmentsSearch emails that include attachments.
Message IDThe ID of the message to return.
ReceiverThe Email address or domain of the receiver of the Email.
Search ReasonReason for the search, used mainly for tracking purposes.
Sender IPThe IP of the sender of the Email.
Start TimeTime of the earliest message to be returned.
SubjectThe Subject of the Email.
URLA URL that is contained in the returned Emails.

Example Output

	"fail": [],
	"meta": {
		"status": 200
	"data": [
			"attachments": false,
			"detectionLevel": "string",
			"fromEnv": {},
			"fromHdr": {},
			"id": "string",
			"info": "string",
			"received": "string",
			"route": "string",
			"senderIP": "string",
			"sent": "string",
			"spamScore": "string",
			"spamScore": 1,
			"status": "string",
			"subject": "string",
			"to": [

Workflow Library Example

Search Messages with Mimecast and Send Results Via Email

Preview this Workflow on desktop