Create a remediation incident by Message ID, File hash or a URL contained in an Email.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Mimecast documentation.

Basic Parameters

File HashThe file hash contained in the email that should be remediated.
Incident TypeThe type of the identifier to remediate by.
Message IDsA comma separated or JSON list of message IDs of the emails that should be remediated.
ReasonThe reason of the remediation.
URLAn URL present in the email that should be remediated.

Advanced Parameters

End TimeTime of the most recent message to be remediated.
Start TimeTime of the earliest message to be remediated.

Example Output

	"fail": [],
	"meta": {
		"status": 200
	"data": [
			"code": "String",
			"create": "String",
			"failed": "String",
			"fileRemediationCanBeCancelled": true,
			"fileRemediationCancelled": "string",
			"fileRemediationExpiryTime": "string",
			"id": "string",
			"identified": 1,
			"modified": "string",
			"reason": "string",
			"remediatedBy": "string",
			"removeFromDevice": "string",
			"restored": 1,
			"searchCriteria": {},
			"successful": 1,
			"type": "string"

Workflow Library Example

Create Remediation Incident with Mimecast and Send Results Via Email

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