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List Alerts

Retrieve a list of alerts.

External Documentation

Basic Parameters

FiltersFilter objects with all the search filters for the request, see alert filters for more details.
For example, filter for open alerts form the last 2 days:
"alertOpen": {
"eq": true
"date": {
"lte_ndays": 2

Advanced Parameters

LimitNumber of records returned by the request.
SkipSkips the specified number of records.
Sort DirectionThe sorting direction. Possible values are: asc and desc.
Sort FieldFields used to sort alerts. Possible values are:
- date: The date when then the alert was created.
- severity: The severity of the alert.

Example Output

"data": [
"_id": "603f704aaf7417985bbf3b22",
"contextId": "206e2965-6533-48a6-ba9e-794364a84bf9",
"description": "Contoso user performed 11 suspicious activities MITRE Technique used Account Discovery (T1087) and subtechnique used Domain Account (T1087.002)",
"entities": [
"entityRole": "Source",
"entityType": 2,
"id": "6204bdaf-ad46-4e99-a25d-374a0532c666",
"inst": 0,
"label": "user1",
"pa": "",
"saas": 11161,
"type": "account"
"entityRole": "Related",
"id": "55017817-27af-49a7-93d6-8af6c5030fdb",
"label": "DC3",
"type": "device"
"id": 20940,
"label": "Active Directory",
"type": "service"
"entityRole": "Related",
"id": "95c59b48-98c1-40ff-a444-d9040f1f68f2",
"label": "DC4",
"type": "device"
"id": "5bfd18bfab73c36ba10d38ca",
"label": "Honeytoken activity",
"policyType": "ANOMALY_DETECTION",
"type": "policyRule"
"entityRole": "Source",
"id": "34f3ecc9-6903-4df7-af79-14fe2d0d4553",
"label": "Client1",
"type": "device"
"entityRole": "Related",
"id": "d68772fe-1171-4124-9f73-0f410340bd54",
"label": "DC1",
"type": "device"
"type": "groupTag",
"id": "5f759b4d106abbe4a504ea5d",
"label": "All Users"
"idValue": 15795464,
"isSystemAlert": false,
"resolutionStatusValue": 0,
"severityValue": 1,
"statusValue": 1,
"stories": [
"threatScore": 34,
"timestamp": 1621941916475,
"title": "Honeytoken activity",
"comment": "",
"handledByUser": "",
"resolveTime": "2021-05-13T14:02:34.904Z",
"URL": ""
"hasNext": false,
"max": 1,
"total": 1,
"moreThanTotal": false

Workflow Library Example

List Alerts with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps and Send Results Via Email

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