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Get Alert

Get the alert matching the specified alert ID.

External Documentation


Alert IDThe ID of the alert. Can be obtained via the List Alerts action.

Example Output

"_id": "603f704aaf7417985bbf3b22",
"contextId": "206e2965-6533-48a6-ba9e-794364a84bf9",
"description": "Contoso user performed 11 suspicious activities MITRE Technique used Account Discovery (T1087) and subtechnique used Domain Account (T1087.002)",
"entities": [
"entityRole": "Source",
"entityType": 2,
"id": "6204bdaf-ad46-4e99-a25d-374a0532c666",
"inst": 0,
"label": "user1",
"pa": "",
"saas": 11161,
"type": "account"

Workflow Library Example

Get Alert with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps and Send Results Via Email

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