
Batch Job NameThe name of the batchjob that the SDT will apply to.
Collector IDThe id of the collector that the SDT will be associated with.
CommentThe comment associated with the SDT.
Data Source Instance IDThe id of the datas ource instance that the SDT will be associated with.
Data Source NameThe name of the data source that this SDT will be associated with, for the specified group.Data Source Name “All” indicates all data sources.
Device Data Source Instance Group NameThe name of the device datasource instance group that the SDT will be associated with.
Device Group Full PathThe full path of the device group that this SDT will be associated with.
Device IDThe id of the device that the SDT will be associated with.
Device NameThe name of the device that this SDT will be associated with.
End TimeThe date and time in which the maintenance window will end.
Event Source NameThe name of the event source that the SDT will apply to.
Start TimeThe date and time in which the maintenance window will begin.
TypeThe type resource that this SDT is for.
Website Group NameThe name of the website group that this SDT will be associated with.
Website NameThe name of the website that this SDT will be associated with.

Example Output

{    "endDateTimeOnLocal": "string",    "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",    "sdtType": "oneTime",    "monthDay": 7,    "weekOfMonth": "1",    "admin": "string",    "endDateTime": 1534554000000,    "type": "ResourceGroupSDT",    "isEffective": true,    "minute": 6,    "duration": 138,    "endHour": 5,    "startDateTime": 1534460400000,    "hour": 3,    "startDateTimeOnLocal": "string",    "weekDay": "Sunday",    "comment": "Emergency prod deployment",    "id": "string",    "endMinute": 18}

Workflow Library Example

Create One Time Scheduled Downtime with Logicmonitor and Send Results Via Email

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