Basic Parameters

Created ByThe user that created the Ops Note.
NoteThe note message.
ScopesThe scopes associated with the note. Each scope has a type of device, service, deviceGroup or serviceGroup. A note with no scope will show up for everything in the account.
TagsThe tags that should be associated with the note. Each tag has a unique id and a name - you can either include the name of a new or existing tag, or the id of an existing tag.

Advanced Parameters

Associated TimeThe date and time associated with the note, in epoch seconds format.
IDThe id associated with the Ops Note.

Example Output

{    "createdBy": "The user that created the Ops Note",    "happenOnInSec": 1488826440,    "id": "The id associated with the Ops Note",    "note": "software update from 1.0.0 to 1.2.4",    "scopes": [        {            "type": "device"        }    ],    "tags": [        {            "createdOnInSec": 0,            "id": "string",            "name": "release",            "updateOnInSec": 0        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

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