To learn more, visit the Lacework documentation.


Operating System TypeThe Operating Systems name.
Operating System VersionThe Operating Systems version.
Package NameThe package name.
Package VersionThe version of the package.

Example Output

{    "data": [        {            "osPkgInfo": {                "namespace": "ubuntu:18.04",                "os": "Ubuntu",                "osVer": "18.04",                "pkg": "openssl",                "pkgVer": "1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.5",                "versionFormat": "dpkg"            },            "vulnId": "CVE-2017-3731",            "severity": "Medium",            "featureKey": {                "name": "openssl",                "namespace": "ubuntu:18.04"            },            "cveProps": {                "cveBatchId": "087956A88D8B89A79D0DC1F2E5E8269C",                "description": "If an SSL/TLS server or client is running on a 32-bit host, and a specific cipher is being used, then a truncated packet can cause that server or client to perform an out-of-bounds read, usually resulting in a crash. For OpenSSL 1.1.0, the crash can be triggered when using CHACHA20/POLY1305; users should upgrade to 1.1.0d. For Openssl 1.0.2, the crash can be triggered when using RC4-MD5; users who have not disabled that algorithm should update to 1.0.2k.",                "link": "",                "metadata": {                    "nvd": {                        "cvssv2": {                            "publisheddatetime": "2017-05-04T19:29Z",                            "score": 5,                            "vectors": "AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P"                        },                        "cvssv3": {                            "exploitabilityscore": 3.9,                            "impactscore": 3.6,                            "score": 7.5,                            "vectors": "CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H"                        }                    }                }            },            "fixInfo": {                "fixAvailable": "1",                "fixedVersion": "0:1.0.2g-1ubuntu11"            },            "summary": {                "evalCreatedTime": "2021-09-16 18:41:04.161 -0700",                "evalStatus": "MATCH_VULN",                "numFixableVuln": 10,                "numFixableVulnBySeverity": {                    "1": 0,                    "2": 3,                    "3": 5,                    "4": 2,                    "5": 0                },                "numTotal": 70,                "numVuln": 10,                "numVulnBySeverity": {                    "1": 0,                    "2": 3,                    "3": 5,                    "4": 2,                    "5": 0                }            },            "props": {                "evalAlgo": "1001"            }        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

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