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List Users

Get a list of all users in a Lacework account, including both standard and service users.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Lacework documentation.

Example Output

"data": [
"name": "Support 1",
"company": "LW",
"email": "",
"userGuid": "LWXYZ...",
"userEnabled": 1,
"type": "StandardUser",
"userGroups": [
"userGroupGuid": "FLKDJF_23423",
"userGroupName": "Admin"
"lastLoginTime": 1234567891011,
"orgAccess": "NO_ORG_ACCESS"
"name": "Support 2",
"description": "Some description",
"userGuid": "LWXYZ...",
"userEnabled": 1,
"serviceUserId": "dsfldsfask3dj334j",
"apiKeys": [
"createdDate": "Feb 03 2023 01:57",
"keyId": "KSJKJD_DK333...",
"createdUser": "Support User",
"status": "Active"
"userGroups": [
"userGroupGuid": "ABC_12345",
"userGroupName": "User group name"
"type": "ServiceUser",
"lastLoginTime": 1234567891011,
"orgAccess": "NO_ORG_ACCESS"

Workflow Library Example

List Users with Lacework and Send Results Via Email

Workflow LibraryPreview this Workflow on desktop