To learn more, visit the Lacework documentation.


Alert IDThe ID of the alert to get details of. Can be retrieved from the ‘List Alerts’ action.
ScopeScope of the details to get.

Example Output

{    "data": {        "alertId": 813628,        "startTime": "2022-06-30T00:00:00.000Z",        "alertType": "CloudActivityLogIngestionFailed",        "severity": "High",        "endTime": "2022-06-30T01:00:00.000Z",        "lastUserUpdatedTime": "",        "status": "Open",        "alertName": "Clone of Cloud Activity log ingestion failure detected",        "alertInfo": {            "subject": "Clone of Cloud Activity log ingestion failure detected: `azure-al-india-dnd` (and `3` more) is failing for data ingestion into Lacework",            "description": "New integration failure detected for azure-al-india-dnd (and 3 more)",            "supportingFacts": [                {                    "supportingFactText": "Container Escape",                    "subElements": [                        {                            "supportingFactText": "Use of known container privilege escalation and exploit tools 6 time(s) on host(s) ip-172-18-0-240"                        }                    ]                }            ]        },        "entityMap": {            "API": "{object}",            "CT_User": "{object}",            "CT_RawTime": "{object}",            "Region": "{object}",            "Resource": "{object}",            "RulesTriggered": "{object}",            "SourceIpAddress": "{object}"        }    }}

Workflow Library Example

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