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Update Custom Field

Updates a custom field.

Permissions required: Administer Jira global permission.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Jira documentation.

Basic Parameters

DescriptionThe description of the custom field. The maximum length is 40000 characters.
Field IDThe ID of the custom field.
NameThe name of the custom field. It doesn't have to be unique. The maximum length is 255 characters.

Advanced Parameters

Searcher KeyThe searcher that defines the way the field is searched in Jira. It can be set to null, otherwise you must specify the valid searcher for the field type, as listed below (abbreviated values shown):

cascadingselect: cascadingselectsearcher
datepicker: daterange
datetime: datetimerange
float: exactnumber or numberrange
grouppicker: grouppickersearcher
importid: exactnumber or numberrange
labels: labelsearcher
multicheckboxes: multiselectsearcher
multigrouppicker: multiselectsearcher
multiselect: multiselectsearcher
multiuserpicker: userpickergroupsearcher
multiversion: versionsearcher
project: projectsearcher
radiobuttons: multiselectsearcher
readonlyfield: textsearcher
select: multiselectsearcher
textarea: textsearcher
textfield: textsearcher
url: exacttextsearcher
userpicker: userpickergroupsearcher
* version: versionsearcher.

Workflow Library Example

Update Custom Field with Jira and Send Results Via Email

Workflow LibraryPreview this Workflow on desktop