To learn more, visit the Greenhouse documentation.

Basic Parameters

Candidate IDsA comma separated list of candidate IDs of candidates to retrieve.
EmailFilter by the email address of the candidate. If email and Candidate IDs are included, then Candidate IDs will be ignored.
Job IDOnly return candidates who have applied to the specified job.
Skip CountIf set to True, the performance of retrieving candidates will improve. This will remove last from the link response header.

Advanced Parameters

Created AfterOnly Returns candidates that were created at or after this date.
Created BeforeOnly Returns candidates that were created before this date.
PageA cursor for use in pagination. Returns the amount of objects you specified in the Per Page parameter.
Per PageReturn up to this number of objects per response.Must be an integer between 1 and 500.
Updated AfterOnly Returns candidates that were updated at or after this date.
Updated BeforeOnly Returns candidates that were updated before this date.

Example Output

[    {        "id": 53883394,        "first_name": "John",        "last_name": "Locke",        "company": "The Tustin Box Company",        "title": "Customer Success Representative",        "created_at": "2017-08-15T03:31:46.591Z",        "updated_at": "2017-09-28T12:29:30.497Z",        "last_activity": "2017-09-28T12:29:30.481Z",        "is_private": false,        "photo_url": null,        "attachments": [            {                "filename": "John_Locke_Offer_Packet_09_27_2017.pdf",                "url": "",                "type": "offer_packet",                "created_at": "2020-09-27T18:45:27.137Z"            }        ],        "application_ids": [            69103370,            65153308        ],        "phone_numbers": [            {                "value": "555-555-5555",                "type": "mobile"            }        ],        "addresses": [            {                "value": "123 City Street\nNew York, Ny 10001",                "type": "home"            }        ],        "email_addresses": [            {                "value": "",                "type": "work"            }        ],        "website_addresses": [            {                "value": "",                "type": "personal"            }        ],        "social_media_addresses": [],        "recruiter": {            "id": 92120,            "first_name": "Greenhouse",            "last_name": "Admin",            "name": "Greenhouse Admin",            "employee_id": null        },        "coordinator": null,        "can_email": true,        "tags": [            "Python",            "Ruby"        ],        "applications": [            {                "id": 69103370,                "candidate_id": 53883394,                "prospect": true,                "applied_at": "2017-09-27T12:21:37.234Z",                "rejected_at": null,                "last_activity_at": "2017-09-28T12:29:30.481Z",                "location": {                    "address": "New York, New York, USA"                },                "source": {                    "id": 16,                    "public_name": "LinkedIn (Prospecting)"                },                "credited_to": {                    "id": 92120,                    "first_name": "Greenhouse",                    "last_name": "Admin",                    "name": "Greenhouse Admin",                    "employee_id": null                },                "rejection_reason": null,                "rejection_details": null,                "jobs": [                    {                        "id": 87752,                        "name": "Full Stack Engineer"                    }                ],                "job_post_id": 123,                "status": "active",                "current_stage": null,                "answers": [],                "prospective_office": null,                "prospective_department": null,                "prospect_detail": {                    "prospect_pool": {                        "id": 224,                        "name": "Cold Outreach: Sourced"                    },                    "prospect_stage": {                        "id": 817,                        "name": "Contacted"                    },                    "prospect_owner": {                        "id": 92120,                        "name": "Greenhouse Admin"                    }                },                "attachments": [                    {                        "filename": "John_Locke_Offer_Packet_09_27_2017.pdf",                        "url": "",                        "type": "offer_packet",                        "created_at": "2020-09-27T18:45:27.137Z"                    }                ]            },            {                "id": 65153308,                "candidate_id": 53883394,                "prospect": false,                "applied_at": "2017-08-15T03:31:46.637Z",                "rejected_at": null,                "last_activity_at": "2017-09-28T12:29:30.481Z",                "location": null,                "source": {                    "id": 12,                    "public_name": "Meetups"                },                "credited_to": {                    "id": 566819,                    "first_name": "Bob",                    "last_name": "Smith",                    "name": "Bob Smith",                    "employee_id": null                },                "rejection_reason": null,                "rejection_details": null,                "jobs": [                    {                        "id": 299100,                        "name": "Data Scientist - BK"                    }                ],                "status": "active",                "current_stage": {                    "id": 2966800,                    "name": "Face to Face"                },                "answers": [],                "prospective_office": null,                "prospective_department": null,                "prospect_detail": {                    "prospect_pool": null,                    "prospect_stage": null,                    "prospect_owner": null                },                "attachments": []            }        ],        "educations": [            {                "id": 561227,                "school_name": "University of Michigan - Ann Arbor",                "degree": "Bachelor's Degree",                "discipline": "Computer Science",                "start_date": "2012-08-15T00:00:00.000Z",                "end_date": "2016-05-15T00:00:00.000Z"            }        ],        "employments": [            {                "id": 8485064,                "company_name": "Greenhouse",                "title": "Engineer",                "start_date": "2012-08-15T00:00:00.000Z",                "end_date": "2016-05-15T00:00:00.000Z"            }        ],        "linked_user_ids": [            989604        ],        "custom_fields": {            "desired_salary": "1000000000",            "work_remotely": true,            "graduation_year": "2018"        },        "keyed_custom_fields": {            "desired_salary": {                "name": "Desired Salary",                "type": "short_text",                "value": "1000000000"            },            "work_remotely": {                "name": "Work Remotely",                "type": "boolean",                "value": true            },            "graduation_year_1": {                "name": "Graduation Year",                "type": "single_select",                "value": "2018"            }        }    }]

Workflow Library Example

List Candidates with Greenhouse and Send Results Via Email

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