To learn more, visit the Greenhouse documentation.

Basic Parameters

Candidate IDThe candidate ID of the candidate to edit. Can be obtained using the List Candidates action.
CompanyThe candidate’s company.
Coordinator EmailThe email of the new coordinator. Either the ID or email must be present.
Coordinator IDThe ID of the new coordinator. Either the ID or email must be present.
First NameThe candidate’s first name.
Last NameThe candidate’s last name.
On Behalf OfID of the user issuing this request. Required for auditing purposes.
Recruiter EmailThe email of the new recruiter. Either the ID or email must be present.
Recruiter IDThe ID of the new recruiter. Either the ID or email must be present.
TitleThe candidate’s title.

Advanced Parameters

AddressesA json array of addresses.For example:[ {"value": "123 Fake St.","type": "home"}]
Custom FieldsThe custom fields of the user. For more information regarding this parameter, refer to Greenhouse’s Documentation under `Custom Field Parameters’.
Email AddressesA json array of email addresses.For example:[ {"value": "","type": "work"}]
Is PrivateWhether the candidate is private or not.
Phone NumbersA json array of phone numbers.For example:[{ "value": "222-555-4608", "type": "home"}]
Social Media AddressesA json array of social media addresses.For example:[ {"value": ""}]
TagsA json array of tags as strings.For example:[ “Walkabout”, “Orientation”]
Website AddressesA json array of website addresses.For example:[ {"value": "","type": "personal"}]

Example Output

{    "first_name": "New",    "last_name": "Name",    "company": "The Tustin Box Company",    "title": "Customer Success Representative",    "is_private": true,    "phone_numbers": [        {            "value": "555-1212",            "type": "mobile"        }    ],    "addresses": [        {            "value": "123 Fake St.",            "type": "home"        }    ],    "email_addresses": [        {            "value": "",            "type": "work"        },        {            "value": "",            "type": "personal"        }    ],    "website_addresses": [        {            "value": "",            "type": "personal"        }    ],    "social_media_addresses": [        {            "value": ""        },        {            "value": "@johnlocke"        }    ],    "recruiter": {        "user_id": 4354    },    "coordinator": {        "email": ""    },    "tags": [        "Walkabout",        "Orientation"    ],    "custom_fields": [        {            "id": 1234,            "value": "Some new value"        },        {            "name_key": "single_select_field_name",            "value": 12345        },        {            "id": 5678,            "delete_value": "true"        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

Edit Candidate with Greenhouse and Send Results Via Email

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