To learn more, visit the Greenhouse documentation.


Candidate IDThe ID of the candidate to retrieve. Can be obtained by using the List Candidates action.

Example Output

{    "id": 53883394,    "first_name": "John",    "last_name": "Locke",    "company": "The Tustin Box Company",    "title": "Customer Success Representative",    "created_at": "2017-08-15T03:31:46.591Z",    "updated_at": "2017-09-28T12:29:30.497Z",    "last_activity": "2017-09-28T12:29:30.481Z",    "is_private": false,    "photo_url": null,    "attachments": [        {            "filename": "John_Locke_Offer_Packet_09_27_2017.pdf",            "url": "",            "type": "offer_packet",            "created_at": "2020-09-27T18:45:27.137Z"        }    ],    "application_ids": [        69102626,        65153308    ],    "phone_numbers": [        {            "value": "555-555-5555",            "type": "mobile"        }    ],    "addresses": [        {            "value": "123 City Street\nNew York, Ny 10001",            "type": "home"        }    ],    "email_addresses": [        {            "value": "",            "type": "work"        },        {            "value": "",            "type": "personal"        }    ],    "website_addresses": [        {            "value": "",            "type": "personal"        }    ],    "social_media_addresses": [        {            "value": ""        }    ],    "recruiter": {        "id": 92120,        "first_name": "Greenhouse",        "last_name": "Admin",        "name": "Greenhouse Admin",        "employee_id": "67890"    },    "coordinator": {        "id": 453636,        "first_name": "Jane",        "last_name": "Smith",        "name": "Jane Smith",        "employee_id": "12345"    },    "can_email": true,    "tags": [        "Python",        "Ruby"    ],    "applications": [        {            "id": 69102626,            "candidate_id": 53883394,            "prospect": false,            "applied_at": "2017-09-27T12:03:02.728Z",            "rejected_at": "2017-09-27T12:11:40.877Z",            "last_activity_at": "2017-09-28T12:29:30.481Z",            "location": {                "address": "New York, New York, USA"            },            "source": {                "id": 16,                "public_name": "LinkedIn (Prospecting)"            },            "credited_to": {                "id": 165372,                "first_name": "Joel",                "last_name": "Job Admin",                "name": "Joel Job Admin",                "employee_id": null            },            "rejection_reason": {                "id": 9504,                "name": "Hired another candidate",                "type": {                    "id": 1,                    "name": "We rejected them"                }            },            "rejection_details": {                "custom_fields": {                    "custom_rejection_question_field": null                },                "keyed_custom_fields": {                    "custom_rejection_question_field": {                        "name": "Custom Rejection Question Field",                        "type": "short_text",                        "value": null                    }                }            },            "jobs": [                {                    "id": 149995,                    "name": "DevOps Engineer"                }            ],            "job_post_id": 123,            "status": "rejected",            "current_stage": {                "id": 1073533,                "name": "Take Home Test"            },            "answers": [                {                    "question": "How did you hear about this job?",                    "answer": "A friend"                },                {                    "question": "Website",                    "answer": ""                },                {                    "question": "LinkedIn Profile",                    "answer": ""                }            ],            "prospective_office": null,            "prospective_department": null,            "prospect_detail": {                "prospect_pool": null,                "prospect_stage": null,                "prospect_owner": null            },            "attachments": [                {                    "filename": "John_Locke_Offer_Packet_09_27_2017.pdf",                    "url": "",                    "type": "offer_packet",                    "created_at": "2020-09-27T18:45:27.137Z"                }            ]        },        {            "id": 65153308,            "candidate_id": 53883394,            "prospect": false,            "applied_at": "2017-08-15T03:31:46.637Z",            "rejected_at": null,            "last_activity_at": "2017-09-28T12:29:30.481Z",            "location": {                "address": "New York, New York, United States"            },            "source": {                "id": 12,                "public_name": "Meetups"            },            "credited_to": {                "id": 566819,                "first_name": "Bob",                "last_name": "Smith",                "name": "Bob Smith",                "employee_id": null            },            "rejection_reason": null,            "rejection_details": null,            "jobs": [                {                    "id": 299100,                    "name": "Data Scientist - BK"                }            ],            "job_post_id": 456,            "status": "active",            "current_stage": {                "id": 2966800,                "name": "Face to Face"            },            "answers": [],            "prospective_office": null,            "prospective_department": null,            "prospect_detail": {                "prospect_pool": null,                "prospect_stage": null,                "prospect_owner": null            },            "attachments": []        }    ],    "educations": [        {            "id": 561227,            "school_name": "University of Michigan - Ann Arbor",            "degree": "Bachelor's Degree",            "discipline": "Computer Science",            "start_date": "2012-08-15T00:00:00.000Z",            "end_date": "2016-05-15T00:00:00.000Z"        }    ],    "employments": [        {            "id": 8485064,            "company_name": "Greenhouse",            "title": "Engineer",            "start_date": "2012-08-15T00:00:00.000Z",            "end_date": "2016-05-15T00:00:00.000Z"        }    ],    "linked_user_ids": [        989604    ],    "custom_fields": {        "desired_salary": "1000000000",        "work_remotely": true,        "graduation_year": "2018"    },    "keyed_custom_fields": {        "desired_salary": {            "name": "Desired Salary",            "type": "short_text",            "value": "1000000000"        },        "work_remotely": {            "name": "Work Remotely",            "type": "boolean",            "value": true        },        "graduation_year_1": {            "name": "Graduation Year",            "type": "single_select",            "value": "2018"        }    }}

Workflow Library Example

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