Upload File To Chat
Upload a file to a conversation with Glean AI.
Note, this action belongs to Glean Chat API
, therefore requires using either the Global Client Token
or the User Client Token
connection methods.
External Documentation
To learn more, visit the Glean documentation.
Parameter | Description |
File Identifier | The identifier of the file to upload. You can create a file identifier using the Set File Variable action. |
Timezone Offset | The offset of the client's timezone in minutes from UTC. For example, PTD is -420 because it's 7 hours behind UTC . |
Example Output
"files": [
"id": "FILE_1234",
"name": "sample.pdf",
"metadata": {
"status": "PROCESSING",
"uploadTime": 0,
"processedSize": 0,
"failureReason": "PARSE_FAILED",
"mimeType": "string"
Workflow Library Example
Upload File to Chat with Glean and Send Results Via Email
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