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Get Location Details

Get location details along with the list of IDs of sensitive files found.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Egnyte Secure Govern documentation.


Location IDID of the location to read.
Source IDID of the source.

Example Output

"count": 0,
"id": "example: e7f08689-cb00-4479-97d5-169e1aca74d2",
"lastUpdated": 0,
"name": "example: Bank info",
"path": "example: /Shared/Documents/GoldenDataset longNames/Bank info",
"policies": [
"ID of the policy (not tag)"
"severity": 0,
"source": "example: Apidevelopers2 File Server",
"sourceId": "example: e900d0c4-1abc-4db4-9b34-5bdf95e4971c",
"sourceType": "example: Egnyte",
"tier": "example: HIGH",
"url": "example:",
"whiteList": [
"ID of the policy (not tag)"

Workflow Library Example

Get Location Details with Egnyte Secure Govern and Send Results Via Email

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