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Get File Details

Get sensitive file details.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Egnyte Secure Govern documentation.


Classification StatusWhen true status of classification will be retured as well.
File IDID of the file, as listed by the source.
Source IDID of the source.

Example Output

"classificationStatus": "Status of file's classification",
"id": "ID of the file, as listed by the source",
"lastUpdated": 0,
"latestVersionId": "from latestEntryId or from versionId in CLFS sources",
"locationId": "uuid",
"name": "FROM: filename in Secure and Govern",
"path": "example: /Shared/Documents/GoldenDataset longNames/Bank info",
"policies": [
"ID of the policy (not tag)"
"risk": 0,
"sourceId": "TODO: seems redundant",
"url": "string"

Workflow Library Example

Get File Details with Egnyte Secure Govern and Send Results Via Email

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