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Get Pentest Report

Get a pentest report by an ID.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Cobalt documentation.


Pentest IDThe ID of the pentest. Can be obtained from the List Pentests action.
X Org TokenThe ID of the organization the assets belong to. Can be obtained by the List Organizations action.

Example Output

"data": {
"resource": {
"id": "pt_JQJpAAMjyc8sVtXW2X2Aq5",
"title": "Pentest Title",
"state": "live",
"asset": {
"id": "as_4L4ZjKgfzP7VBwUmqCZmmL",
"pentesters": [
"username": "user1",
"full_name": "User One"
"username": "user2",
"full_name": null
"report": {
"report_state": "final",
"title": "Pentest Title",
"starts_at": "2022-06-09",
"ends_at": "2022-06-13",
"executive_summary": "A pentest.",
"executive_analysis": "A pentest.",
"scope_of_work": "Everything.",
"summary_of_findings": "Some findings were found.",
"summary_of_recommendations": "Fix some things."
"findings": {
"severity": {
"informational": [
"id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j2",
"id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j3",
"low": [
"id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j4",
"medium": [],
"high": [
"id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j5",
"critical": []
"state": {
"new": [],
"triaging": [
"id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j5",
"invalid": [
"id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j3",
"duplicate": [],
"out_of_scope": [
"id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j2",
"need_fix": [],
"wont_fix": [],
"check_fix": [],
"valid_fix": []
"accepted_risks": [
"finding_id": "vl_VuLnerabiLityVuLnerab4",
"accepted_risk_reason": "internal_dependencies",
"state": "wont_fix"
"links": {
"ui": {
"url": ""

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