To learn more, visit the Claroty xDome documentation.


Alert IDAlert ID, as indicated in the id field of an alert.
FieldsSpecify which fields to return for each item.

Example Output

{  "devices": [    {      "asset_id": "xxxxxxx",      "risk_score": "xxxxx",      "os_category": "xxxx",      "labels": [],      "device_type_family": "xxxxxxx",      "vlan_list": [x],      "mac_list": ["xxxxxxxxxxxx"],      "device_subcategory": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",      "retired": xxxx,      "assignees": [],      "uid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",      "network_list": ["xxxxxxxxx"],      "model": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",      "device_type": "xxxxxxxx",      "device_category": "xxx",      "ip_list": [""],      "is_resolved": xxxx    }  ]}

Workflow Library Example

List Devices Affected by an Alert with Claroty Xdome and Send Results Via Email

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