
Feed URLThe URL of the IOC feed that will be fetched.
IOC FeedThe IOC to update. Select the feed’s name or manually type its name/ID.
New NameThe new name of the IOC feed.

Example Output

{    "uid": "f16bf59e-321d-422a-b9c4-99ae07a67804",    "name": "example-updated",    "type": "threat-ioc-feed",    "domain": {        "uid": "41e821a0-3720-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9fde",        "name": "SMC User",        "domain-type": "domain"    },    "v": "domain",    "feed-type": "domain",    "feed-url": "",    "use-gateway-proxy": true,    "use-custom-feed-settings": false,    "action": "Prevent",    "enabled": true,    "custom-headers": [],    "comments": "",    "color": "black",    "icon": "ThreatPrevention/FileGlobe",    "tags": [],    "meta-info": {        "lock": "unlocked",        "validation-state": "ok",        "last-modify-time": {            "posix": 1687873017010,            "iso-8601": "2023-06-27T16:36+0300"        },        "last-modifier": "admin",        "creation-time": {            "posix": 1687872974795,            "iso-8601": "2023-06-27T16:36+0300"        },        "creator": "admin"    },    "read-only": true,    "available-actions": {}}

Workflow Library Example

Update Threat Ioc Feed with Check Point Management and Send Results Via Email

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