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Check Point XDR-XPR Check Point XDR-XPR

Checkpoint XDR XPR provides comprehensive extended detection and response capabilities, enabling organizations to proactively identify, investigate, and respond to cyber threats across their entire IT infrastructure, including endpoints, networks, and cloud environments, enhancing overall security posture.

Creating a Check Point XDR-XPR connection

Using Access Token

To create the connection you need:

  • A Check Point XDR-XPR API Address
  • A Client ID
  • A Secret Key

Obtaining the credentials

  1. Login to your checkpoint infinity portal.
  2. Click on the panel in the top left corner and select XDR/XPR.
  3. Click on the gear wheel in the top part of the screen and click on API Keys.
  4. Select New account API key.

Creating your connection

  1. In the Blink platform, navigate to the Connections page > Add connection. A New Connection dialog box opens displaying icons of external service providers available.
  2. Select the Check Point XDR-XPR icon. A dialog box with name of the connection and connection methods appear.
  3. (Optional) Edit the name of the connection. At a later stage you cannot edit the name.
  4. Select Access Token as the method to create the connection.
  5. Fill in the parameters:
    • The Check Point XDR-XPR API Address
    • The Client ID
    • The Secret Key
  6. (Optional) Click Test Connection to test it.
  7. Click Create connection. The new connection appears on the Connections page.