
Entity IDThe ID of the entity. Can be obtained via the Query Entity action.
ScopesThe scopes for the request.

Example Output

{    "responseData": [        {            "entityActions": [],            "entityAvailableActions": [],            "entityInfo": {                "customerId": "Customer Domain",                "entityActionState": "",                "entityCreated": "Entity Created",                "entityId": "Entity Id",                "entityUpdated": "Entityupdated",                "saas": "Saas Id",                "saasEntityType": "Entity Type"            },            "entityPayload": {                "SpfResult": "",                "attachmentCount": 0,                "attachments": [],                "bcc": [],                "bccUser": [],                "cc": [],                "ccUser": [],                "emailLinks": [],                "fromDomain": "",                "fromEmail": "",                "fromName": "",                "fromUser": {},                "internetMessageId": "Internet Message Id",                "isDeleted": false,                "isIncoming": false,                "isInternal": false,                "isOutgoing": false,                "isQuarantineNotification": false,                "isQuarantined": false,                "isRead": false,                "isRestoreDeclined": false,                "isRestoreRequested": false,                "isRestored": false,                "mode": "An enumeration.",                "received": "Received",                "recipients": [],                "replyToEmail": "",                "replyToNickname": "",                "saasSpamVerdict": "Saas Spam Verdict",                "size": 0,                "subject": "Subject",                "to": [],                "toUser": []            },            "entitySecurityResult": {                "ap": [                    {                        "entityId": "Entity Id",                        "entityType": "Entity Type",                        "payload": {},                        "score": "Score",                        "securityResultEntityId": "Security Result Entity Id",                        "securityResultEntityType": "Security Result Entity Type",                        "statusCode": "Status Code",                        "statusDescription": "Status Description",                        "verdict": "Verdict"                    }                ],                "av": [                    {                        "entityId": "Entity Id",                        "entityType": "Entity Type",                        "payload": {},                        "score": "Score",                        "securityResultEntityId": "Security Result Entity Id",                        "securityResultEntityType": "Security Result Entity Type",                        "statusCode": "Status Code",                        "statusDescription": "Status Description",                        "verdict": "Verdict"                    }                ],                "clicktimeProtection": [                    {                        "entityId": "Entity Id",                        "entityType": "Entity Type",                        "payload": {},                        "score": "Score",                        "securityResultEntityId": "Security Result Entity Id",                        "securityResultEntityType": "Security Result Entity Type",                        "statusCode": "Status Code",                        "statusDescription": "Status Description",                        "verdict": "Verdict"                    }                ],                "combinedVerdict": {                    "ap": "Ap",                    "av": "Av",                    "clicktimeProtection": "Clicktime Protection",                    "dlp": "Dlp",                    "shadowIt": "Shadow It"                },                "dlp": [                    {                        "entityId": "Entity Id",                        "entityType": "Entity Type",                        "payload": {},                        "score": "Score",                        "securityResultEntityId": "Security Result Entity Id",                        "securityResultEntityType": "Security Result Entity Type",                        "statusCode": "Status Code",                        "statusDescription": "Status Description",                        "verdict": "Verdict"                    }                ],                "shadowIt": [                    {                        "entityId": "Entity Id",                        "entityType": "Entity Type",                        "payload": {},                        "score": "Score",                        "securityResultEntityId": "Security Result Entity Id",                        "securityResultEntityType": "Security Result Entity Type",                        "statusCode": "Status Code",                        "statusDescription": "Status Description",                        "verdict": "Verdict"                    }                ]            }        }    ],    "responseEnvelope": {        "additionalText": "",        "recordsNumber": 0,        "requestId": "Requestid",        "responseCode": 0,        "responseText": "",        "scrollId": "Scrollid"    }}

Workflow Library Example

Get Entity with Check Point Harmony and Send Results Via Email

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