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Get Entity

Get entity based on the specified Entity ID.


Entity IDThe ID of the entity. Can be obtained via the Query Entity action.
ScopesThe scopes for the request.

Example Output

"responseData": [
"entityActions": [],
"entityAvailableActions": [],
"entityInfo": {
"customerId": "Customer Domain",
"entityActionState": "",
"entityCreated": "Entity Created",
"entityId": "Entity Id",
"entityUpdated": "Entityupdated",
"saas": "Saas Id",
"saasEntityType": "Entity Type"
"entityPayload": {
"SpfResult": "",
"attachmentCount": 0,
"attachments": [],
"bcc": [],
"bccUser": [],
"cc": [],
"ccUser": [],
"emailLinks": [],
"fromDomain": "",
"fromEmail": "",
"fromName": "",
"fromUser": {},
"internetMessageId": "Internet Message Id",
"isDeleted": false,
"isIncoming": false,
"isInternal": false,
"isOutgoing": false,
"isQuarantineNotification": false,
"isQuarantined": false,
"isRead": false,
"isRestoreDeclined": false,
"isRestoreRequested": false,
"isRestored": false,
"mode": "An enumeration.",
"received": "Received",
"recipients": [],
"replyToEmail": "",
"replyToNickname": "",
"saasSpamVerdict": "Saas Spam Verdict",
"size": 0,
"subject": "Subject",
"to": [],
"toUser": []
"entitySecurityResult": {
"ap": [
"entityId": "Entity Id",
"entityType": "Entity Type",
"payload": {},
"score": "Score",
"securityResultEntityId": "Security Result Entity Id",
"securityResultEntityType": "Security Result Entity Type",
"statusCode": "Status Code",
"statusDescription": "Status Description",
"verdict": "Verdict"
"av": [
"entityId": "Entity Id",
"entityType": "Entity Type",
"payload": {},
"score": "Score",
"securityResultEntityId": "Security Result Entity Id",
"securityResultEntityType": "Security Result Entity Type",
"statusCode": "Status Code",
"statusDescription": "Status Description",
"verdict": "Verdict"
"clicktimeProtection": [
"entityId": "Entity Id",
"entityType": "Entity Type",
"payload": {},
"score": "Score",
"securityResultEntityId": "Security Result Entity Id",
"securityResultEntityType": "Security Result Entity Type",
"statusCode": "Status Code",
"statusDescription": "Status Description",
"verdict": "Verdict"
"combinedVerdict": {
"ap": "Ap",
"av": "Av",
"clicktimeProtection": "Clicktime Protection",
"dlp": "Dlp",
"shadowIt": "Shadow It"
"dlp": [
"entityId": "Entity Id",
"entityType": "Entity Type",
"payload": {},
"score": "Score",
"securityResultEntityId": "Security Result Entity Id",
"securityResultEntityType": "Security Result Entity Type",
"statusCode": "Status Code",
"statusDescription": "Status Description",
"verdict": "Verdict"
"shadowIt": [
"entityId": "Entity Id",
"entityType": "Entity Type",
"payload": {},
"score": "Score",
"securityResultEntityId": "Security Result Entity Id",
"securityResultEntityType": "Security Result Entity Type",
"statusCode": "Status Code",
"statusDescription": "Status Description",
"verdict": "Verdict"
"responseEnvelope": {
"additionalText": "",
"recordsNumber": 0,
"requestId": "Requestid",
"responseCode": 0,
"responseText": "",
"scrollId": "Scrollid"

Workflow Library Example

Get Entity with Check Point Harmony and Send Results Via Email

Workflow LibraryPreview this Workflow on desktop