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List Agents In Group

List all agents in a given group.


Group IDThe ID of the group. Can be obtained from the List Groups action.

Example Output

"error": "Success",
"response": {
"agents": {
"agentid": "1378682a-3d2f-4f13-9839-e12c9d6fd126",
"hostname": "DESKTOP-LAB001",
"username": "johnsmith",
"domain": "lab.local",
"groupid": "a2d3b733-1261-4449-b91e-33f6fa59abbe",
"lastcheckin": "2020-08-30T04:22:00Z",
"ip": "",
"os": "Windows 10 x64",
"status": "0",
"freespace": "77",
"clientversion": "",
"policyversion": "37.19"

Workflow Library Example

List Agents in Group with Airlock Digital and Send Results Via Email

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