To learn more, visit the Acronis documentation.

Basic Parameters

QueryA free text query string to search within the planName or resourceName fields of the alerts.
SeverityFilter by the alert severity. Use the following operators:
  • eq: Equals to value
  • or: Equals to one or more values
  • lt: Less than a value
  • gt: Greater than a value
  • le: Less than or equals to a value
  • ge: Greater than or equals to a value
The available values are:
  • ok
  • information
  • warning
  • error
  • critical
SourceFilter by the source of the alert.
TypeA comma-separated list or JSON list of alert types to query by. Can be obtained by the List Alert Types action.

Advanced Parameters

CategoryFilter by the category of the alert.
Created AtFilter by the created at timestamp. Use the following operators:
  • eq: Equals
  • lt: Less than
  • gt: Greater than
  • le: Less than or equals
  • ge: Greater than or equals
Deleted AtFilter by when the alert was dismissed. Use the following operators:
  • eq: Equals
  • lt: Less than
  • gt: Greater than
  • le: Less than or equals
  • ge: Greater than or equals
IDsA comma-separated list or JSON list of alert IDs to be returned.
LimitLimit the number of results that are returned.
OrderSet the order in which the alerts will be returned. Use the following values:
  • created_at
  • type
  • severity
  • source
  • source_timestamp
  • updated_at
  • deleted_at
  • category
  • planId
  • planName
  • resourceId
  • resourceName
The available operators:
  • asc
  • desc
Plan IDsA comma-separated list or JSON list of plan IDs to query by. Note that it is case-sensitive.
Plan NamesA comma-separated list or JSON list of plan names to query by. Note that it is case-sensitive.
Resource IDsA comma-separated list or JSON list of resource IDs to query by. Note that it is case-sensitive.
Resource NamesA comma-separated list or JSON list of resource names to query by. Note that it is case-sensitive.
Show DeletedIf true, dismissed alerts will be included in the response.
Show Deleted OnlyIf true, only dismissed alerts will be included in the response.
Skip IDsA comma-separated list or JSON list of alert IDs to exclude from the response.
Source Time StampFilter by the timestamp provided by an alert producer. Use the following operators:
  • eq: Equals
  • lt: Less than
  • gt: Greater than
  • le: Less than or equals
  • ge: Greater than or equals
TenantsA comma-separated list or JSON list of tenant IDs to query by.
Updated AtFilter by the updated at timestamp. Use the following operators:
  • eq: Equals
  • lt: Less than
  • gt: Greater than
  • le: Less than or equals
  • ge: Greater than or equals

Example Output

{    "items": [        {            "id": "01C2D69A-112B-4DE1-98AE-8688223C5F4B",            "type": "BackupFailed",            "details": {                "activity": {                    "id": "D028B06E-36D6-43FF-9242-35E8A9917E3A"                },                "activityId": "D028B06E-36D6-43FF-9242-35E8A9917E3A"            },            "createdAt": "2021-04-05T20:41:41Z",            "_source": "6852F263-2B5E-48BF-B78B-486182D9BDBE",            "_sourceTimeStamp": 3246,            "severity": "critical",            "receivedAt": "2021-04-01T22:16:19.71025511Z",            "updatedAt": "2021-04-05T20:41:42.352636392Z",            "tenant": {                "id": "56",                "locator": "/1/50/53/56/"            },            "category": "Backup"        },        {            "id": "BACA9625-A993-4722-B03F-F2807C85E76F",            "type": "DrInternetTrafficUnblocked",            "details": {},            "createdAt": "2021-04-05T23:41:55.089638934Z",            "severity": "warning",            "receivedAt": "2021-04-05T23:41:55.089638324Z",            "updatedAt": "2021-04-05T23:41:55.089638934Z",            "tenant": {                "id": "1",                "locator": "/1/"            },            "category": "Disaster recovery"        },        {            "id": "CBE8B43A-70C9-4343-B942-82D56E34FDF0",            "type": "DrInternetTrafficUnblocked",            "details": {},            "createdAt": "2021-04-01T14:19:32.202462769Z",            "severity": "warning",            "receivedAt": "2021-04-01T14:19:32.202461826Z",            "updatedAt": "2021-04-01T14:19:32.202462769Z",            "tenant": {                "id": "1",                "locator": "/1/"            },            "category": "Disaster recovery"        }    ],    "paging": {        "cursors": {}    }}

Workflow Library Example

List Alerts with Acronis and Send Results Via Email

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