To learn more, visit the Acronis documentation.

Basic Parameters

HostnameThe hostname of the agent to query by. You can use the following functions in your query:
  • hlike: Hostname starts with the specified string
  • like: Hostname contains the specified string in any position.
  • tlike: Hostname ends with the specified string.
OnlineQuery by the online status of the agent.
Os FamilyQuery by the OS family of the agent.

Advanced Parameters

AfterA next page cursor that is returned in a previous return.
BeforeA previous page cursor that is returned in a previous return.
LimitThe amount of results to return per page.
OrderThe order that the results are returned in.
Tenant IDQuery by the tenant ID of the agent.
UnitQuery by the name of registered agent unit.
Up To DateQuery by the up to date status of the agent.

Example Output

{    "items": [        {            "id": "8f27a66f-71ff-4b5c-b665-75ec0f42b849",            "core_version": {                "current": {                    "release_id": "1.0.0",                    "build": "42"                }            },            "units": [                {                    "name": "atp",                    "version": {                        "current": {                            "release_id": "1.0.0",                            "build": "42"                        },                        "latest": {                            "release_id": "1.0.1",                            "build": "57"                        }                    }                },                {                    "name": "backup",                    "version": {                        "current": {                            "release_id": "1.0.0",                            "build": "42"                        }                    }                }            ],            "auto_update": true,            "meta": {},            "hostname": "server1.acme.local",            "platform": {                "family": "WINDOWS",                "arch": "X64",                "name": "Windows 2019",                "version_major": 10,                "version_minor": 0            },            "tenant": {                "id": "64",                "name": "ACME"            },            "name": "My Appliance 6490-78",            "online": true,            "enabled": true,            "registration_date": "Tue, 04 Jun 2019 18:32:26 +0300",            "registration_id": "eO2uM8QwSIC3nh0FxiZmjArpW-U",            "installer_version": {                "current": {                    "major": 15,                    "minor": 0,                    "build_number": 27714                }            },            "timezone": "+0300"        }    ],    "paging": {        "cursors": {            "after": "aGVhbHRoY2hlY2s6C",            "before": "CiAgdGltZW91dDogMTBzCi"        }    }}

Workflow Library Example

List Agents with Acronis and Send Results Via Email

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