Basic Parameters

FiltersJSON string URI encoded set of fiters.
LimitLimit the return results.
OffsetUsed to page through results.

Advanced Parameters

OrderWhat order to sort the results.
Order Columnswhat column to order on.

Example Output

{    "count": 0,    "items": [        {            "assetStatus": 0,            "assetType": 0,            "assignedDeploymentId": "string",            "domain": "domain.local",            "fqdn": "laptoppc.domain.local",            "healthState": {                "healthIssuesList": [                    {                        "details": "string",                        "issueCode": 0                    }                ],                "healthStatus": 0            },            "id": "a:a:6d020055",            "identityProtectedAt": 0,            "identityProtectionState": 0,            "ipV4Addresses": [                ""            ],            "ipV6Addresses": [                "string"            ],            "lastLogon": 0,            "lastLogonTimestamp": 0,            "name": "laptoppc",            "operatingSystem": "Windows 10 Pro",            "passwordUpdateTime": 0,            "principalName": "string",            "protectAt": 0,            "protectionState": 0,            "rpcMonitored": false,            "source": 0,            "state": {                "assetId": "string",                "identityProtectedAt": 0,                "identityProtectionState": 0,                "isAssetConnected": false,                "lastConnectedAt": 0,                "lastDisconnectedAt": 0,                "protectedAt": 0,                "protectionState": 0            }        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

List Assets with Zero Networks and Send Results Via Email

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