List and query cloud resources.

Basic Parameters

LimitNumber of records to fetch.
NameFilter by the cloud resource name.
OffsetPagination cursor.
TypesFilter cloud resources by specific entity types. Multiple values can be specified as comma separated list.

Advanced Parameters

Deleted AfterFilter by the delete time of the object.
Deleted BeforeFilter by the delete time of the object.
Project IDsFilter cloud resources by Wiz project IDs. Multiple values can be specified as comma separated list. If no values are provided, then returns results from all projects.
Provider IDsFilter cloud resources according to these cloud service provider unique IDs. Multiple values can be specified as comma separated list.
Subscription IDsFilter cloud resources according to these external subscription IDs. Multiple values can be specified as comma separated list.
Updated AfterFilter by the update time of the object.
Updated BeforeFilter by the update time of the object.

Workflow Library Example

Pull Cloud Resources with Wiz and Send Results Via Email

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