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Get Asset Details

Get details of an asset.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Tenable Security Center documentation.


Asset IDThe ID of an asset to get details of. Can be retrieved from the 'List Assets' action.

Example Output

"type" : "regular",
"response" : {
"id" : "33",
"name" : "test",
"type" : "combination",
"description" : "",
"organization" : {
"id" : "1"
"name" : "org1",
"description" : "",
"uuid" : "8FDC3F6C-9901-47B8-A720-ACF1681DE8F4"
"ownerGroup" : {
"id" : "1"
"name" : "group1",
"description" : "",
"luminFields" : {
"firstSyncTime" : "1573594357",
"lastSyncSuccess" : "1573594357",
"lastSyncFailure" : "-1",
"details" : "details for LuminFields",
"enabled" : "true",
"error_code" : 0,
"error_msg" : "",
"warnings" : [],
"timestamp" : 1412273575

Workflow Library Example

Get Asset Details with Tenable Security Center and Send Results Via Email

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