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List Search Jobs

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CountThe maximum number of results to return. If value is set to 0, then all available results are returned.
OffsetThe first result (inclusive) from which to begin returning data. This value is 0-indexed. Default value is 0. In 4.1+, negative offsets are allowed and are added to count to compute the absolute offset (for example, offset=-1 is the last available offset). Offsets in the results are always absolute and never negative.

Example Output

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"updated": "2023-01-15T10:28:30+02:00",
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"results_preview": "/services/search/jobs/1673771306.191/results_preview",
"timeline": "/services/search/jobs/1673771306.191/timeline",
"summary": "/services/search/jobs/1673771306.191/summary",
"control": "/services/search/jobs/1673771306.191/control"
"published": "2023-01-15T10:28:26.000+02:00",
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"eventCount": 0,
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"eventIsStreaming": true,
"eventIsTruncated": false,
"eventSearch": "search (source=\"udp:514\" sourcetype=\"syslog\")",
"eventSorting": "desc",
"isBatchModeSearch": false,
"isDone": true,
"isEventsPreviewEnabled": false,
"isFailed": false,
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"isRemoteTimeline": false,
"isSaved": false,
"isSavedSearch": false,
"isTimeCursored": true,
"isZombie": false,
"is_prjob": false,
"keywords": "source::udp:514 sourcetype::syslog",
"label": "",
"latestTime": "2023-01-15T10:28:26.000+02:00",
"normalizedSearch": "litsearch (source=\"udp:514\" sourcetype=\"syslog\") | fields keepcolorder=t \"_bkt\" \"_cd\" \"_si\" \"host\" \"index\" \"linecount\" \"source\" \"sourcetype\" \"splunk_server\"",
"numPreviews": 0,
"optimizedSearch": "| search (source=\"udp:514\" sourcetype=\"syslog\")",
"phase0": "litsearch (source=\"udp:514\" sourcetype=\"syslog\") | fields keepcolorder=t \"*\" \"_bkt\" \"_cd\" \"_si\" \"host\" \"index\" \"linecount\" \"source\" \"sourcetype\" \"splunk_server\"",
"phase1": "timeliner remote=0 partial_commits=1 max_events_per_bucket=1000 fieldstats_update_maxperiod=60 bucket=300 extra_field=*",
"pid": "48152",
"priority": 5,
"provenance": "UI:Search",
"remoteSearch": "litsearch (source=\"udp:514\" sourcetype=\"syslog\") | fields keepcolorder=t \"*\" \"_bkt\" \"_cd\" \"_si\" \"host\" \"index\" \"linecount\" \"source\" \"sourcetype\" \"splunk_server\"",
"reportSearch": "",
"resultCount": 0,
"resultIsStreaming": true,
"resultPreviewCount": 0,
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"ttl": 596,
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"performance": {
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"": {
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"": {
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"": {
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"": {
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"": {
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"": {
"invocations": 2
"": {
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"": {
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"invocations": 2
"": {
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"": {
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"": {
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"invocations": 2
"dispatch.finalWriteToDisk": {
"invocations": 1
"dispatch.localSearch": {
"duration_secs": 0.001,
"invocations": 1
"dispatch.readEventsInResults": {
"invocations": 1
"": {
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"dispatch.timeline": {
"invocations": 2
"dispatch.writeStatus": {
"duration_secs": 0.002,
"invocations": 3
"startup.configuration": {
"duration_secs": 0.041,
"invocations": 2
"startup.handoff": {
"duration_secs": 0.04,
"invocations": 2
"messages": [],
"request": {
"adhoc_search_level": "smart",
"auto_cancel": "62",
"check_risky_command": "false",
"": "source=\"udp:514\" sourcetype=\"syslog\"",
"earliest_time": "-24h@h",
"indexedRealtime": "",
"latest_time": "now",
"preview": "1",
"provenance": "UI:Search",
"rf": "*",
"sample_ratio": "1",
"search": "search source=\"udp:514\" sourcetype=\"syslog\"",
"status_buckets": "300",
"ui_dispatch_app": "Blink",
"workload_pool": ""
"custom": {
"search": "source=\"udp:514\" sourcetype=\"syslog\""
"runtime": {
"auto_cancel": "62",
"auto_pause": "0"
"searchProviders": [
"searchTelemetry": {
"timestamp": "1673771306.329828",
"type": "ad-hoc",
"search_id": "1673771306.191",
"status": "success",
"ast": {
"ast_optimize": true,
"ast_visitor": [
"ast_modified": [
"desc": {
"app": "Blink",
"provenance": "UI:Search",
"earliest_time": 1673683200,
"latest_time": 1673771306,
"comments": false,
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"sourcetypes": {},
"search_process_modes": {
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"freestanding": 0,
"forked": 0,
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"perf": {
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"search_preview_time_secs": 0,
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"": 0.000617583,
"dispatch.readEventsInResults": 0.000350583
"phases": {
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"phase_1": {
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Workflow Library Example

List Search Jobs with Splunk and Send Results Via Email

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