To learn more, visit the Splunk documentation.


Job IDThe ID of the job. You can retrieve this ID with the “List Search Jobs” action or by the search’s creation timestamp.

Example Output

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"isBatchModeSearch": false,                "isDone": true,                "isEventsPreviewEnabled": false,                "isFailed": false,                "isFinalized": false,                "isPaused": false,                "isPreviewEnabled": true,                "isRealTimeSearch": false,                "isRemoteTimeline": false,                "isSaved": false,                "isSavedSearch": false,                "isTimeCursored": true,                "isZombie": false,                "is_prjob": false,                "keywords": "source::udp:514 sourcetype::syslog",                "label": "",                "latestTime": "2023-01-15T10:28:26.000+02:00",                "normalizedSearch": "litsearch (source=\"udp:514\" sourcetype=\"syslog\") | fields keepcolorder=t \"_bkt\" \"_cd\" \"_si\" \"host\" \"index\" \"linecount\" \"source\" \"sourcetype\" \"splunk_server\"",                "numPreviews": 0,                "optimizedSearch": "| search (source=\"udp:514\" 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Workflow Library Example

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