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List Users

List all active, deactivated, and pending users in the organization.


AfterValue of "nextMarker" in response.
BeforeValue of "previousMarker" in response.
Group IDFilter users to a specific group.
LimitLimit the size of the response. 1-200 are the potential values. Default=50.
StatusFilter users by their status.

Example Output

"data": [
"id": "<user_id>",
"type": "user",
"name": "<display_name>",
"email": "<email>",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"groups": [
"type": "group",
"id": "<group_id>"
"type": "group",
"id": "<group_id>"
"nextMarker": null,
"previousMarker": null,
"limit": 20,
"count": 4

Workflow Library Example

List Users with Split and Send Results Via Email

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