Update Cell

Update cell values in the specified row and column.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Smartsheet documentation.


Allow Partial SuccessSelect to enable partial success for this bulk operation.See Partial Success for more information.
Column IDThe column ID of the cell to link.
Column IDThe ID of the column that the cell is located in.
ExpandedIndicates whether the row is expanded or collapsed.
FormulaThe formula for a cell. Note that calculation errors or problems with a formula will be retrieved as presented in the UI, for example #CIRCULAR REFERENCE.
Formula Or ValueChoose between inserting a value or a formula.
Hyper LinkA link to a report, sheet, or URL. Note, you must set the value attribute to use this parameter.
ImageSelect to set a cell image’s attributes, such as its alternate text (e.g., altText = string). Note, you must set the value attribute to use this parameter.
Image Alternate textAlternate text for the image.
Image HeightOriginal height (in pixels) of the uploaded image.
Image IDImage ID.
Image widthOriginal width (in pixels) of the uploaded image.
Link From CellLinks in another cell’s value. Smartsheet synchronizes the source cell into this cell.Note: the synchronization may take several minutes.Important: you must set the value attribute to use this parameter.
LockedSelect to lock the row.
Override ValidationSelect to allow a cell value outside of the validation limits. You must uncheck strict parameter to bypass value type checking.
Override ValidationSelect to allow a cell value outside of the validation limits.
Report IDThe Report ID.
Row IDRow ID of the row being accessed. Can be obtained by using List Search Sheet or Search Sheets actions.
Row IDThe Row ID of the cell to link.
Sheet IDThe sheet ID in which the cell to link located at.
Sheet IDSheet ID of the sheet being accessed.
Sheet IDLink to Report ID hyperlink.
StrictSelect for a strict value parsing, See Cell value parsing for details.
URLURL of the hyperlink.
ValueA desired value, a label for a hyperlink you’re inserting, or an empty string if you’re linking to another cell.

Example Output

	"message": "SUCCESS",
	"resultCode": 0,
	"result": [
			"id": 0,
			"rowNumber": 1,
			"parentRowNumber": 0,
			"parentId": 0,
			"expanded": true,
			"createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
			"modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
			"cells": [
					"columnId": 0,
					"columnType": "string",
					"value": "string",
					"displayValue": "string"
			"version": 0

Workflow Library Example

Update Cell with Smartsheet and Send Results Via Email

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