Returns a comprehensive vulnerability ranking.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Securin VI documentation.


LimitAmount of results per response.
OffsetThe offset of the results that are returned.
Search CriteriaSearch Criteria which is used to search for specific vulnerabilities.For further information about the Search Criteria, please refer to Securin VI Documentation.
Sort CriteriaSort Criteria by which vulnerabilities will be sorted.For example: -exploitCount.

Example Output

	"releaseVersion": "<string :: API updated version>",
	"releaseNotes": "<string :: API release notes>",
	"type": "<string :: Vulnerability Ranking - Comprehensive>",
	"message": "<string :: SUCCESS>",
	"results": [
			"id": "<string :: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures - Publicly disclosed computer security flaw that's been assigned a CVE ID number>",
			"firstSeenDate": "<string(date) :: Date when CVE was first mentioned in posts>",
			"lastSeenDate": "<string(date) :: Date when CVE was last mentioned in posts>",
			"exploitPublishedDate": "<string(date) :: Earliest Date when the exploit was published for that CVE>",
			"publishedDate": "<string(date) :: Date when cve details were released by the source>",
			"lastModifiedDate": "<string(date) :: Date when cve details were last modified by the source>",
			"plugins": [
					"id": "<string :: unique identifier of the plugin for that source>",
					"status": "<string :: indicating if the status of the plugin. Populated when the plugin is deprecated>",
					"scannerName": "<string :: Specifies the source of the plugin>",
					"severity": "<string :: severity of the plugin as given by the source>",
					"title": "<string :: Title of the plugin given by the source>",
					"description": "<string :: Description of the plugin as given by the source>",
					"category": "<string :: Category of the plugin as given by the source>",
					"publishedDate": "<string(date) :: Date at which the plugin was published>",
					"lastModifiedDate": "<string(date) :: Date at which the plugin was modified>"
			"viCreatedDate": "<string(date) :: Date when the VI Platform created the vulnerability record in the platform>",
			"viUpdatedDate": "<string(date) :: Date when the VI Platform updated the vulnerability record in the platform>",
			"posts": [
					"isTranslated": "<boolean :: Boolean indicator determines if content is translated automatically or not>",
					"type": "<string :: It can either be post or social media mention or White Hat mentions>",
					"publishedDate": "<string(date) :: Date when post was posted>",
					"lastModifiedDate": "<string(date) :: Date when the post was last modified>",
					"content": "<string :: Content of the post>",
					"language": "<string :: If autotranslated is true, the original language in which post was posted>",
					"title": "<string :: Name of the topic of discussion on that website>",
					"author": "<string :: if the indicator is Post, the user who posted the post>",
					"source": {
						"url": {
							"value": "<string :: source url of the post>"
					"translatedPost": {
						"title": "<string :: Name of the topic of discussion on that website>",
						"language": "<string :: Translated language (English)>",
						"content": "<string :: Translated content>"
			"baseUSNVDMetrics": {
				"cvssV2Score": "<string :: Version 2 Common Vulnerability Scoring System score.>",
				"cvssV3Score": "<string :: Version 3 Common Vulnerability Scoring System score.>"
			"isDiscussed": "<boolean :: Boolean flag that identify if cve is discussed in hacker forums>",
			"hasCodeSnippet": "<boolean :: Boolean flag that identify if any code present in posts>",
			"hasPOC": "<boolean :: Boolean flag that identify if any POC is present >",
			"isExploitedInTheWild": "<boolean :: Boolean flag that identify if any exploits in the wild present>",
			"hasAttackSignature": "<boolean :: Boolean flag that identify if any attackSignatures present>",
			"hasPenTesterFramework": "<boolean :: Boolean flag that identify if any pentest is available>",
			"isPrioritized": "<boolean :: Indicates if the vulnerability is prioritized by a source>",
			"isTrending": "<boolean :: Boolean indicator to determine if the CVE is trending or not>",
			"prioritizedBy": [
				"<string :: Indicated the source that has priortized this vulnerability>"
			"lastTrendingDate": "<string(date) :: if the vulnerability is trending in the past 7 days, it indicates the date at which it was trending most>",
			"description": "<string :: Describes information about the vulnerablity and to what extent it impacts the environment>",
			"sources": [
					"url": "<string :: Provides the direct URL for the vulnerability from the source>",
					"name": "<string :: Identifies the name of the source for the vulnerability.>"
			"assignerEmail": "<string :: UUID for the Organization (CNA-CVE Numbering Authority) who have authority to assign a CVE ID for a vulnerability>",
			"cvssv2": {
				"version": "<string :: Version of the Base Metrics Group>",
				"source": "<string :: Source of cvssv2>",
				"score": "<number(double) :: Base Metrics Group Score, a numerical score reflecting the severity of the vulnerability. >",
				"severity": "<string :: Reflects the severity of a vulnerability according to its intrinsic characteristics which are constant over time and assumes the reasonable worst case impact across different deployed environments.>",
				"vector": "<string :: A compressed textual representation that reflects the values of all the base metrics as a block of text. It is a metric which reflects the context by which vulnerability exploitation is possible.>",
				"accessVector": "<string :: Reflects how the vulnerability is exploited. >",
				"accessComplexity": "<string :: Measures the complexity of the attack required to exploit the vulnerability once an attacker has gained access to the target system.>",
				"authentication": "<string :: Measures the number of times an attacker must authenticate to a target in order to exploit a vulnerability.>",
				"userInteraction": "<string :: Captures the requirement for a human user, other than the attacker, to participate in the successful compromise of the vulnerable component. This metric determines whether the vulnerability can be exploited solely at the will of the attacker, or whether a separate user (or user-initiated process) must participate in some manner.>",
				"confidentialityImpact": "<string :: Measures the impact on confidentiality of a successfully exploited vulnerability. Confidentiality refers to limiting information access and disclosure to only authorized users, as well as preventing access by, or disclosure to, unauthorized ones.>",
				"integrityImpact": "<string :: Measures the impact to integrity of a successfully exploited vulnerability. Integrity refers to the trustworthiness and guaranteed veracity of information.>",
				"availabilityImpact": "<string :: Measures the impact to availability of a successfully exploited vulnerability. Availability refers to the accessibility of information resources. Attacks that consume network bandwidth, processor cycles, or disk space all impact the availability of a system.>",
				"impactScore": "<number(double) :: Defines how significantly certain properties of the vulnerable component will be affected if it is successfully exploited.>",
				"exploitabilityScore": "<number(double) :: Defines the qualities of the vulnerable component itself  - their scores define how vulnerable the thing itself is to attack. The higher the combined score, the easier it is to exploit that vulnerability.>",
				"temporalMetrics": {
					"exploitability": "<string :: Measures how complex the process is to exploit the vulnerability in the target system>",
					"remediationLevel": "<string :: The Temporal metrics measure the current state of exploit techniques or code availability, the existence of any patches or workarounds, or the confidence in the description of a vulnerability>",
					"reportConfidence": "<string :: Measures the degree of confidence in the existence of the vulnerability and the credibility of its report>",
					"vector": "<string ::Measures how complex the process is to exploit the vulnerability in the target system.>"
			"cvssv3": {
				"version": "<string :: Version of the Base Metrics Group>",
				"source": "<string>",
				"scope": "<string :: Captures whether a vulnerability in one vulnerable component impacts resources in components beyond its security scope.Formally, Scope refers to the collection of privileges defined by a computing authority (e.g. an application, an operating system, or a sandbox environment) when granting access to computing resources (e.g. files, CPU, memory, etc).>",
				"score": "<number(double) :: Base Metrics Group Score, a numerical score reflecting the severity of the vulnerability. >",
				"severity": "<string :: Reflects the severity of a vulnerability according to its intrinsic characteristics which are constant over time and assumes the reasonable worst case impact across different deployed environments.>",
				"vector": "<string :: A compressed textual representation that reflects the values of all the base metrics as a block of text.>",
				"attackVector": "<string :: Reflects the context by which vulnerability exploitation is possible. This metric value (and consequently the Base Score) will be larger the more remote (logically, and physically) an attacker can be in order to exploit the vulnerable component.>",
				"attackComplexity": "<string :: Describes the conditions beyond the attacker’s control that must exist in order to exploit the vulnerability such conditions may require the collection of more information about the target, or computational exceptions.>",
				"privilegesRequired": "<string :: Describes the level of privileges an attacker must possess before successfully exploiting the vulnerability.>",
				"userInteraction": "<string :: Captures the requirement for a human user, other than the attacker, to participate in the successful compromise of the vulnerable component. This metric determines whether the vulnerability can be exploited solely at the will of the attacker, or whether a separate user (or user-initiated process) must participate in some manner.>",
				"confidentialityImpact": "<string :: This metric measures the impact to the confidentiality of the information resources managed by a software component due to a successfully exploited vulnerability. Confidentiality refers to limiting information access and disclosure to only authorized users, as well as preventing access by, or disclosure to, unauthorized ones>",
				"integrityImpact": "<string :: Measures the impact to integrity of a successfully exploited vulnerability. Integrity refers to the trustworthiness and veracity of information.>",
				"availabilityImpact": "<string :: Measures the impact to the availability of the impacted component resulting from a successfully exploited vulnerability. While the Confidentiality and Integrity impact metrics apply to the loss of confidentiality or integrity of data (e.g., information, files) used by the impacted component, this metric refers to the loss of availability of the impacted component itself, such as a networked service (e.g., web, database, email). Since availability refers to the accessibility of information resources, attacks that consume network bandwidth, processor cycles, or disk space all impact the availability of an impacted component.>",
				"impactScore": "<number(double) :: Defines how significantly certain properties of the vulnerable component will be affected if it is successfully exploited.>",
				"exploitabilityScore": "<number(double) :: Defines the qualities of the vulnerable component itself  - their scores define how vulnerable the thing itself is to attack. The higher the combined score, the easier it is to exploit that vulnerability.>",
				"temporalMetrics": {
					"vector": "<string :: A compressed textual representation that reflects the values of all the temporal metrics as a block of text.>",
					"reportConfidence": "<string :: Measures the degree of confidence in the existence of the vulnerability and the credibility of its report>",
					"exploitability": "<string :: Measures how complex the process is to exploit the vulnerability in the target system>",
					"remediationLevel": "<string :: The Temporal metrics measure the current state of exploit techniques or code availability, the existence of any patches or workarounds, or the confidence in the description of a vulnerability>"
			"cisaKEVCatalogEntry": {
				"addedDate": "<string :: The date the vulnerability was added to the catalog.>",
				"dueDate": "<string :: The date the required action is due.>",
				"requiredAction": "<string :: The required action to address the vulnerability.>"
			"epss": {
				"probability": "<string :: The EPSS score representing the probability [0-1] of exploitation in the wild in the next 30 days.>",
				"source": "<string>"
			"status": "<string :: Provides the status of a vulnerability.>",
			"requesterEmail": "<string :: UUID for the Organization / Individual who have requested to assign a CVE ID for a vulnerablity.>",
			"references": [
					"title": "<string :: Title of the material being referenced>",
					"url": "<string :: Captures the URL of the material being referenced.>",
					"name": "<string :: Reference Name>",
					"source": "<string :: Name of the source, program, etc that produced the URL>",
					"tags": [
						"<string :: Captures the additional labels, keys supplied for the reference>"
			"threats": [
					"publishedMonth": "<string :: Month the threat was first publicly disclosed.>",
					"publishedYear": "<string :: Year the threat was first publicly disclosed>",
					"publishedDate": "<string(date) :: Date the threat was first disclosed to the public.>",
					"lastModifiedDate": "<string(date) :: Date the threat was last known to be updated.>",
					"lastTrendingDate": "<string(date) :: if the threat is trending it indicates the date at which it was trending most>",
					"lastModifiedYear": "<string :: year the threat was last modified>",
					"lastModifiedMonth": "<string :: Month the threat was last modified>",
					"viThreatId": "<string :: Unique identifier assigned by Securin VI to each threat in the VI Platform.>",
					"tags": [
						"<string :: tags for the threat>"
					"type": "<string :: Indicates the threat type. exploit/malware>",
					"subType": "<string :: Indicates the sub-type of the threat. This differentiates malware types - ransomware, worm, trojan, exploit kits.>",
					"family": "<string :: Provides the family of threats that this threat belongs to.>",
					"title": "<string :: Title of the exploit as extracted from the Source>",
					"aliases": [
						"<string :: Aliases / Other Names, if any, in which the exploit is known>"
					"attackClassifications": [
						"<string :: Lables generated for the threat by securin autolabel algorithm>"
					"sources": [
							"id": "<string :: Provides the id of that threat if provided from the source>",
							"name": "<string :: Provides the direct URL for the threat from the source>",
							"url": "<string :: Identifies the name of the source for the threat.>"
			"weaknesses": [
					"id": "<string :: Unique identifier for the Weakness. It is considered static for the lifetime of the weakness.>",
					"type": "<string :: Provides the type of the weakness i.e. Weakness, View, Category>",
					"title": "<string :: Name of the weakness. Name, mainly focuses on the weakness being described and does NOT mention about the attack that exploits the weakness or the consequences of exploiting the weakness. >"
			"definitiveVRS": {
				"score": "<number(double) :: Base Metrics Group Score, a numerical score reflecting the severity of the vulnerability. ",
				"severity": "<string :: Reflects the severity of a vulnerability according to its intrinsic characteristics which are constant over time and assumes the reasonable worst case impact across different deployed environments>",
				"lastModifiedDate": "<string(date) :: Data and Time the vulnerability was last updated in the vulnerability database>",
				"changeLog": [
						"modifiedDate": "<string(date) :: when the score was predicted>",
						"score": "<number(double) :: Rating in terms of likeliness of exploit predicted by our model in the scale of 1-10>",
						"severity": "<string :: Reflects the severity of a vulnerability according to its intrinsic characteristics which are constant over time and assumes the reasonable worst case impact across different deployed environments>",
						"reasonForChange": {
							"type": "<string :: Type of evaluation; possible values: NIST (release entry), prEval, PR1ORITY>",
							"commentaries": "<string :: Contains the official statement from the vendor on the vulnerability (as identified by the CVE ID) that apply to their products>"
			"predictiveVRS": {
				"score": "<number(double) :: Rating in terms of likeliness of exploit predicted by our model in the scale of 1-10>",
				"severity": "<string :: Reflects the severity of a vulnerability according to its intrinsic characteristics which are constant over time and assumes the reasonable worst case impact across different deployed environments>",
				"lastModifiedDate": "<string(date) :: Date when the score was last changed>",
				"riskRating": "<number(double) :: Rating in terms of likeliness of exploit predicted by our model in the scale (to be sunset)>",
				"changeLog": [
						"modifiedDate": "<string(date) :: Date when the score was predicted>",
						"score": "<number(double) :: Rating in terms of likeliness of exploit predicted by our model in the scale of 1-10>",
						"severity": "<string :: Reflects the severity of a vulnerability according to its intrinsic characteristics which are constant over time and assumes the reasonable worst case impact across different deployed environments>",
						"riskRating": "<number(double) :: Rating in terms of likeliness of exploit predicted by our model in the scale (to be sunset)>",
						"reasonForChange": {
							"type": "<string :: Type of evaluation; possible values: NIST (release entry), prEval, PR1ORITY>",
							"commentaries": "<string :: Contains the official statement from the vendor on the vulnerability (as identified by the CVE ID) that apply to their products>"
			"vendorComments": [
					"vendor": "<string :: Name of the vendor who has issued the official statement on the vulnerability that apply to their products>",
					"issuedDate": "<string(date) :: Data of Issue of the official statement on the vulnerability that apply to their products>",
					"commentary": "<string :: Contains the official statement from the vendor on the vulnerability (as identified by the CVE ID) that apply to their products>"
			"title": "<string :: Describes information about the vulnerability and to what extent it impacts the environment>",
			"threatCount": "<integer(int32) :: Count of threats associated with the vulnerability>",
			"malwareCount": "<integer(int32) :: Integer representing the total number of malware associated with the vulnerability>",
			"pluginCount": "<integer(int32) :: Integer representing the total number of plugins available for the vulnerability>",
			"threatActorCount": "<integer(int32) :: Count of threat actors associated with the vulnerability>",
			"exploitCount": "<integer(int32) :: Count of exploits associated with the vulnerability>",
			"ransomwareCount": "<integer(int32) :: Count of malwares which are ransomware associated with the vulnerability>",
			"threatActors": [
					"name": "<string :: Name of the threat actor>",
					"associatedGroups": [
						"<string :: Aliases / Other Names, if any, in which the threat actor is known>"
			"affectedSoftwareConfigurations": {
				"affectedProductCount": "<integer(int32) :: Unique count of the software and packages may be affected by the vulnerability directly>",
				"softwareConfigurations": [
						"title": "<string :: Title of the cpe if available>",
						"vendor": "<string :: Name of the vendor who has issued the official statement on the vulnerability that apply to their products.>",
						"product": "<string :: Some software and packages may be affected by the vulnerability either directly or when running on certain hardware, operating system, or along with other software and packages>",
						"cpe23Uri": "<string :: URI for information technology systems, software, and packages affected by the vulnerability.>",
						"vulnerable": "<boolean Indicates the specific version from which the information technology systems, software, and packages affected by the vulnerability.>",
						"runningOnOrWith": "<boolean :: If true, some software and packages may be affected by the vulnerability only when running on certain hardware, operating system, or along with other software and packages. If false, it is affected by the vulnerability directly.>",
						"softwareConfigurationGroup": "<string :: Configuration grouping provided by nvd>",
						"versionStartIncluding": "<string :: Earliest version of the product which is known to be impacted>",
						"versionEndIncluding": "<string :: Latest version of the product known to be impacted>",
						"versionStartExcluding": "<string :: Earliest version known to be not impacted>",
						"versionEndExcluding": "<string :: Latest version known to be not impacted>",
						"matchingSoftwareConfigurations": [
								"cpe23Uri": "<string :: URI for information technology systems, software, and packages  affected by the vulnerability."
				"otherAffectedSoftware": [
						"component": "<string :: Component / Software which has this vulnerability>",
						"platform": "<string :: Platform that is know to use the vulnerable software and thus getting impacted by this vulnerability>",
						"product": "<string :: The product that is known to use the vulnerable software and thus getting impacted by this vulnerability >",
						"vendor": "<string :: Name of the vendor who has issued the official statement on the vulnerability that apply to their products.>",
						"versionStartIncluding": "<string :: Earliest version of the product which is known to be impacted>",
						"versionEndIncluding": "<string :: Latest version of the product known to be impacted>",
						"versionStartExcluding": "<string :: Earliest version known to be not impacted>",
						"versionEndExcluding": "<string :: Latest version known to be not impacted>"
			"fixes": {
				"type": "<string :: Workaround/Mitigation/Patch>",
				"publishedDate": "<string(date) :: Date at which the fix was published>",
				"sources": [
						"name": "<string :: Identifies the name of the source for the threat.>",
						"url": "<string :: Provides the direct URL for the threat from the source>"
				"references": [
						"name": "<string :: Identifies the name of the source for the threat.>",
						"source": "<string>",
						"url": "<string :: Provides the direct URL for the threat from the source.>",
						"tags": [
							"<string :: Captures the additional labels, keys supplied for the reference.>"
			"searchAfterValue": {
				"<integer :: hold the last fetch response total count and every 10000>": [
					"<string :: maintain the historic search after value for every 10000.>"
	"count": "<integer(int64) :: The integer representing the total number of objects returned in the Response.>"

Workflow Library Example

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