Smart Search
Trace and query all messages.
Basic Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Recipient | The E-mail address of the recipient of the message. |
Sender | The E-mail address of the sender of the message. |
Subject | The subject of the message. |
Advanced Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Attachments | A comma-separated list of the attachment of the message. |
Count | The amount of messages returned in the call. |
End Time | The ending time of the query window. |
GUID | The GUID of the message. |
Host | The host or IP address of the sent message. |
Message Action | The final disposition action of the message. |
Message ID | The header ID of the message(corresponds to the Message ID field in the UI). |
Queue ID | The ID of the message queue. |
SID | The SID of the message. |
Start Time | The starting time of the query window. |
Viruses | A comma-separated list of the viruses detected in the message. |
Example Output
"Proofpoint": {
"SmartSearch": [
"Agent": "",
"Attachment_Names": "",
"Date": "2020-05-20 14:13:02 [UTC-0600]",
"Disposition_Action": "",
"Disposition_SmtpProfile": "",
"Duration": "0.124094999905240",
"FID": "8lLtu31xs8H24NF8McYw-S6EidtLK-y_",
"FQIN": "",
"Final_Action": "accept",
"Final_Rule": "access.system",
"GUID": "9rLtu31xs8H24NF8KcRw-S6EihtLK-y_",
"Message_Encrypted": "",
"Message_ID": "<>",
"Message_Size": "1142",
"Message_Split": "",
"Module_ID": "access",
"PE_Recipients": "",
"Policy_Routes": "allow_relay,firewallsafe,internalnet",
"QID": "u8P6D24m919880",
"Quarantine_Folder": "",
"Quarantine_Rule": "",
"Raw_Log": "",
"Recipients": "",
"Rule_ID": "system",
"SID": "25nnq08028",
"SMIME_Recipients": "",
"SMIME_Recipients_Signed": "",
"Sender": "",
"Sender_Host": "localhost",
"Sender_IP_Address": "",
"SendmailRaw_Log": "",
"Sendmail_Action": "",
"Sendmail_Errorcode": "",
"Sendmail_Stat": "",
"Sendmail_To": "",
"Sendmail_To_Stat": "",
"Spam_Score": "",
"Subject": "Cron <pps@user> /opt/proofpoint/pps8.0.1.1446/admin/tools/ -optimize -db msgqueue",
"Suborg": "",
"TLS": "",
"Virus_Names": "",
"country": "**",
"current_folder": "",
"module_rules": [
Workflow Library Example
Smart Search with Proofpoint Protection Server and Send Results Via Email
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