To learn more, visit the PingID documentation.

Basic Parameters

Activate UserWhether the user is active on creation.
EmailThe user’s E-mail address.
RoleThe created user’s role.
UsernameThe username of the user.

Advanced Parameters

Device TypeThe type of device that the created user can pair with in the future. Keeping this empty will allow all device types.
First NameThe first name of the user.
Last NameThe last name of the user.

Example Output

{    "userDetails": {        "email": "",        "lname": "Doe",        "userEnabled": false,        "fname": "John",        "spList": [],        "lastLogin": null,        "deviceDetails": null,        "userName": "jdoe",        "status": "NOT_ACTIVE"    },    "errorId": 200,    "errorMsg": "",    "uniqueMsgId": "webs_sOFLeIP0EOlR-BnOCN_DTLv1uMpivQRoFN68edsYi4Y",    "clientData": "Session data echoed back to the requestor"}

Workflow Library Example

Create User with Pingid and Send Results Via Email

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