To learn more, visit the Panther documentation.

Basic Parameters

DescriptionThe description of the query.
NameThe name of the query.
SqlThe raw SQL of the query.

Advanced Parameters

Cron ExpressionThe cron expression for the schedule.
Disable ScheduleCreate the query with the schedule disabled.
Rate MinutesThe rate of the schedule in minutes.
Timeout MinutesThe timeout of the schedule in minutes.

Example Output

{    "createdAt": "text",    "description": "text",    "id": "text",    "managed": false,    "name": "text",    "schedule": {        "cron": "text",        "disabled": false,        "rateMinutes": 0,        "timeoutMinutes": 0    },    "sql": "text",    "updatedAt": "text"}

Workflow Library Example

Create Query with Panther and Send Results Via Email

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