When you use the ‘Scan URL’ action to scan a URL that points to an archive file (such as a ZIP or RAR file), the OPSWAT API will attempt to scan the contents of the archive for threats. If the archive is password-protected, OPSWAT will not be able to access the contents of the archive unless you provide the correct password.

Basic Parameters

DescriptionA description for the scan analysis.
URLThe URL to scan for analysis.

Advanced Parameters

Is PrivateWhen checked, the URL will not be available for download by other users.
PasswordCustom password for the uploaded URL.

Example Output

{    "flow_id": "0123456789abcdefghijklmn",    "priority": {        "applied": 20,        "max_possible": 100    }}

Workflow Library Example

Scan Url with Opswat and Send Results Via Email

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